Thursday, August 27, 2020

Challenging time

 It is a challenging time. When you look around the world, when you listen to the news, whatever news you listen to, you would have to say that this world is a mess. If you are a Democrat, you look at the Republicans and say how terrible they are. If you are Republican, you look at the Democrats and say how terrible they are. Watch the DNC and the RNC and you see the contrast between the two parties and how they address or lack to address the country's problems. If I was to say something that the left didn't like, I would receive responses that would attack my statements. If I say something that the right doesn't like, I would receive responses that would attack my statements. Notice something about this? There is no agreement between the two sides.

Look at what is taking place in Kenosha, WI. There are those who support the protesters and those those that don't. I have to say, the destruction is awful. It makes no sense to destroy people's lives in reponse to the shooting of Jacob Blake. Without waiting to see what the truth is about the shooting, riots began. Really? I know that there will be those who say it is just a result of the feelings that boil over. Does that give someone the right to destroy people's lives? You can say, "The police are the bad people." Do you actually know what took place in this shooting? It amazes me how quickly people are certain they know what took place. They don't want to wait to let justice work. The response will be: There is no justice when police shoot black men. I respond, why not listen to the police and stop. If you are innocent, listen to what you are told to do. 

In our country today we have decided that if you don't like those in authority, you don't need to listen to them. This is against the 4th commandment, but then again, who cares about what God says? We live in a country that doesn't care about God's Word, or what God says. Morality is based upon what I want and the way I think. I pick and chose what I like and what I do. God doesn't have the right to tell me what to do. I chose. I act. And because of that, we see the results.

Ball teams won't play because of this shooting. But what about when Cannon Hinnat was shot in the head? Who is this? Good question. It is a 5 year old boy that was shot in the head by a 25 year old man, in front of his two sisters. Terrible isn't it? Was there any protests? Was there any ball player that stood up and said that it was wrong? Were there riots? No, in fact, it was hardly even reported on. Did you notice what I did at the beginning of this paragraph? I did not mention race of either of them. But race was an issue with it but no one spoke up for the 5 year old boy. It made me sad. 

I know, people will say that as a pastor, I shouldn't say these things. Why not? Does being a man of God mean that I can't speak up when I see something horribly wrong? Does it mean that I can't say that the way our country is acting is wrong? Does it mean that I cannot speak up when I see people's lives destroyed without any real action of justice? 

Stop people. Stop attacking each other. Stop pitting black against white, brown or yellow or whatever color. Stop making everything about race. Stop fighting with each other. Stop. 

I pray for our country. I pray that the Lord will heal the divisions. I pray that we will treat each other with respect, no matter what color our skin. I pray that people will repent of their own personal sins. I pray that each one of us will take the log our of our own eye instead of trying to take the speck out of our brothers/sisters eye. 

Mostly, I just pray, Come Lord Jesus! Come quickly. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Rambling on..

 Hello there. It has been a little while since I blogged. Why? Nothing has struck my fancy nor tripped my trigger. I don't like to blog about politics because that just invites arguments, and we all know that any argument online doesn't change anyone's opinions, it just creates anxiety and causes people to become upset with someone they don't even know. Often, we will ump to conclusions about the author, make judgments and random comments. I am not sure why we do that. Perhaps it is just to get the chance to voice our own opinions. 

I may not agree with your opinion and you may not agree with mine. And that is all right. It happens. Not everyone agrees. If you don't agree, that is the way it is. Rather than getting upset and attacking the other person, just scroll right on by. The reality is, the person doesn't really care if you agree or not. As humans, we can disagree. We will never agree on all things. Just ask a married couple. They don't always agree on the same things. What do they do? They learn to work it out and continue with each other. To attack each other will only lead to divorce. To continue to argue and tear each other apart will only tear apart the marriage. Couples that remain married for more than a short time, find ways to discuss and work on things together. They may even agree to disagree. I know some mixed marriages that have been able to stay married for many, many years. One supports the Chicago Cubs and the other supports another team. They don't agree but they still love and care for each other. I know adults who have different political views, and they remain friends. Why? Because friendship is more important than tearing each other apart.

That is something that is lost today. We have lost the ability to disagree and remain friends. We have forgotten that we can still be kind to each other even if we are on opposite sides of the issue. We can even be very adament about our feelings and still get along. We have lost that. It seems that if you disagree with someone, you have to attack them, even try to destroy them in order to prove your point of view. Why? What good does that do? It doesn't. It just drives the wedge between people and destroys civility. Perhaps that is why there is such a divide in a country. And neither side is willing to talk to each other. They put out talking points, support them and then lie and deceive to get their point across. I watched a news show this morning where one person refused to believe actual news reports and videos. I could only shake my head. Did I attack the person? No, I just moved on with my life. That is the way it works.

I was disgusted this morning as I watched a video from Portland, OR from Saturday night. It showed Black Lives Matter supporters dragging a man from his truck and beating him unconscious. The man did not fight back. In fact, he sat on the ground and he was repeatedly hit and kicked. Even after he was unconscious, he was kicked in the head. Why? It is unclear why they did this. It happens to be that he was a white man beaten by black men. If it was the other way around, imagine the outcry. Anyway, I cannot think of any justification for this beating. None. I don't care what is said. He was drug out of his truck and beaten senseless. It shouldn't happen. It is terrible. This is not a peaceful protest. This is violence for the sake of violence. It has nothing to do with George Floyd or civil rights. It is anarchy at its worst. I am not sure how anyone could watch that video and not become upset. Will I get scathing comments about this? I don't know. Nor do I care. It was wrong no matter which way you slice it. 

Anyway, my rambles continue on. And I will ramble. I pray for our country, our leaders, our people. I pray for peace to come to all people. I ask God to guide our leaders in the right way to go, His way, and not their way. Yes, I remembe what was written by Paul to Timothy, First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. (1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV) I remember that as Paul writes that, the Roman rulers did not support Christianity or the message of the gospel, but he still encouraged prayer for them. We may not like our leaders, but we must still pray that God would lead them. If they are on the wrong path, then we should pray that God would take them to the right path. Yes, Lord, please lead our country.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Just some thoughts about blogging

Good morning. It is good to have you with me this morning. As I blog, I do so to put into words what I am thinking and feeling. Do I expect everyone to agree with me? Of course not. But the fact is, as I blog, it is what is in my heart as both a pastor and a citizen of the US. It is the opportunity for me to express my thoughts. Yes, my thoughts. It is what I think. It is was I think. In some cases, it is my understanding of what Scripture says concerning a situation in the world today. That is the wonderful freedom that we all have in this great country.

And you have the right to like it or not like it. That is your right as well. You can agree with me, and that is great. You can disagree with me, and that is great. But understand this, I don't believe that by writing a blog, I am going to change your opinion. And when you put a comment, I don't believe that it will change my opinion. I will not argue on line with anyone. That doesn't accomplish anything. I have not seen anything good come from such arguing. 

And it is my blog. If I feel like deleting a comment, I will delete it. Do I feel shame at doing it? No. Also, I won't be shamed into leaving comments. Why? Because it is my blog. It is a forum for me to state what I feel. You can say that it is your right to comment, and you would be correct. And it can be left or deleted. That is up to me, not to you. 

I do want to answer one thing that was commented. Yes, the Jesus in my church is white. Why? Is it because I believe Jesus was white? No. It is because a white Jesus connects with most of those who worship at the church. At the same time, a church that is mostly black, can have a black Jesus in their church. A church that is mostly Asian, can have an asian Jesus in their church. Why? Because that is who they will connect with in their lives. What nationality was Jesus? He was Jewish, meaning that He was like many in the Middle East. Does it matter what the Jesus in your church looks like? No. We do not worship the image, we worship the Savior. The image helps us in our time of worship. It doesn't make a church more racist than another. It means that is how the people connect with their Savior.

Anyway, know that I will continue to blog. I will continue to state what is on my mind. And I will handle my blog the way that I want to handle it. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. I welcome anyone to read it and to comment. If I don't feel like leaving the comment, that is the way it works in the world today. 

I pray that the Lord will bless your walk of faith. Stay focused on Christ the Lord. He alone is the Savior of this world. He alone is your Savior.