Wednesday, July 25, 2018

From the morning reading

I was coming to the end of Hosea. Quite a fascinating book. Talk about an object lesson! The Lord was doing all He could to get the attention of His people Israel. And they were not listening. I read this book and wonder, "How could they not get it?" It is pretty obvious to me what the Lord was trying to do. The people just didn't pay attention. Then I quickly turn my thoughts away from myself and my life, for in many ways, I am just like the people of Israel. I fail to see when the Lord is calling me back to Him. My hardness of heart kicks in. I figure that the Lord isn't talking to me, not me, not little ol' me. Have you been there?

But that isn't what I actually was going to write about. I read: "But I am the Lord your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior." (Hosea 13:4 ESV) Truth! God saved them from Egypt. They didn't do it. For 400 years they cried out. They were not able to just up and leave any time they wanted. Otherwise they would have. Why? At first they had it good. Instead of returning to the land of their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they stayed in Egypt because they had a good life. Joseph saw to that. Plenty of food, good jobs, life of leisure, and no fears. So they stayed and you can say they overstayed their welcome. For soon all was forgotten and they just became another people trying to take over the nation of Egypt and were treated as such. Made slaves, forced to work, the good times part of their history but not part of their current situation. Then they cried to the Lord because they couldn't save themselves. When they realized it, things were in too bad of a shape and they were stuck.

God saved them. Moses, the plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea, Mt. Sinai, the wanderings, the water from rock, manna in the mornings, clothes that never wore out and a new land, which was really the old land. He saved them. No one else. Yet they would go to all the other 'gods' and worship them. They gave what should have been given to God to something else. How often have you done that? I know I have. Too often. You?  He alone saves. He alone has sent His only-begotten Son to be the Savior, of all people! All people! You, your neighbor, the person you work with, the person driving down the road! Everyone. He is the God who saves. Praise be to God.

Thank You Lord for speaking to me through Hosea. Please continue to speak through Your Word. Continue to guide me, for by myself, I am lost.

What a book. What amazing words. I will keep reading.

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Good Shepherd Leads You

Do you have trouble following the Lord's will in your life? Do you find it easy to follow His will? I would venture to say it depends on the situation. Each one of us are called to follow the Lord and do His will daily. As we do so, we will face temptations, trials and tribulations. While the Lord has promised to always be with us, to never leave us or forsake us, the things of life often cause us to take our eyes off the Lord.

We can say, "I will pray more." or "I will read the Bible more." We can focus on what we do, and think that will help us to follow the way of the Lord. Unfortunately, if we are relying upon ourselves to follow the Lord, we will be like sheep who stray. Something will attract our attention and we will find ourselves wandering off one direction or another. 

So what can we do? We can receive the gifts of God that are meant to strengthen us in our daily walk of faith. Notice I say "receive." They are given to us by the Lord. What are these gifts? Word and Sacrament. The Means of Grace. Where do we receive these? Right where the Lord tells us they will be - in worship. That is what worship is all about - receiving from the Lord. Yes, we do praise the Lord in worship, but that is in response to what He does for us. That is in response to receiving both Word and Sacrament. He promises to be there for us. His Word is trustworthy and true.

Then throughout the day, we listen to His voice. Have you ever noticed that the times when you struggle the most, is when you haven't listened for the voice of your shepherd? I know that happens to me. I get busy. I start to rely upon myself. And that is when I find myself starting to focus on ME and not on the LORD. When you focus on yourself, you will lose focus on the Lord. The Shepherd goes before you. You need to have eyes on Him and not on the things around you. If you are watching the Shepherd, those tufts of grass off the path don't entice. If you are following the Shepherd, those trials and tribulations aren't so big. You know that your Savior is bigger than they are.

So today, as I begin this day, as the focus is going to be on my Lord and not on my will, on His guidance and not my desire, on His love and not on my love for the world. For there, in Him, I know that He will lead me beside still waters, He will restore my soul, He will anoint my head with oil, He will keep me in His hand all day long. Thank You, Lord. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Stormy weather

Flash! Crash! Boom! The sounds of the evening as storms roll in. Blue skies give way to dark skies, almost black, rolling clouds, wind, then driving rain. Lots of rain. Water from the skies. Yes, I did say at breakfast yesterday that we really needed some rain. We got it. Plus. Roads flooded. People out of power. Results of storms that we cannot stop.

But He can! He can stop storms. Remember the disciples, terrified as they battled a storm on the Sea of Galilee? Wind. Rain. Lightning. They were used to storms. But this one got them. They battled it. Rowed to keep turned the right way. All the while, Jesus slept in the back of the boat. He slept! Really? Jesus slept while a storm raged? Yep. That is what happened. "Don't you care that we are perishing?" the disciples ask Jesus. Don't you care that the storm is raging in my life? Don't you care that I am being overwhelmed by the storms that continue to roll in, one after another? Help! Lord save us!

What did they expect? For Jesus to help bail the water from the boat? To pull on an oar with them? To help keep the sails filled with air so they could perhaps run out of the storm? What did they expect? What do you expect? When you cry out to Jesus, what are you wanting? Help to make it through the day? Strength to pull on the oars? What?

Be quiet! Be calm! Jesus commands the wind and the waves. He calls out to them. Oh how often I have tried to calm the storm by telling it to go away. Never happens. The winds howl. The rain slashes. The lightning flashes. The wave crashes. The storm rages. Jesus slept. Wake up! Be quiet! Be calm! And the the winds stop. The rain ceases. The sea becomes calm. Just like that. It was over. Why? Because Jesus told it to stop. He calmed the storm.

Expected? Doubtful. The disciples didn't think He could do that! Nor do we think He can calm our storms. He can't make our waves to cease. He can't make the pains stop. He can't bring back the blue skies. Yet He can! And He does. He gives us the rainbow. He gives us the sunshine. He gives us hope in the midst of the struggles. It is amazing how the Lord can give peace, even while the storm rages. He gives hope even while the pains continue. He gives strength even while the arms and legs give out. It is through Him that we survive the day, the hour, the minute. He gives us what we need.

Sleep? Nope, not when we need Him most. Turn to Him. Cry out! And know that He has done and continues to do some amazing things for you in your life. Don't trust in yourself. Trust in the One who can calm the storm.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Lord's will be done.

Corn. Some tall, some short. Some shooting tassel and others not quite ready to do that. Bean fields that were clean, bean fields that had many weeds and volunteer corn. All a part of the drive through Illinois. There is much to see. Train museum in Rossville. Route 66 items along the road. It all depends on where you are and what road you drive. One way north. One way south. Enjoyable time.

So why not take the interstate? We could have. Nothing wrong with that. But we had time. If you are in a hurry, then the interstate might be the way to go. Unless you want to get through Chicago. Then 290 was a parking lot. Others were not moving. Was not the way we wanted to go. There are times when you are in a hurry and other times when you aren't. There is a road for all.

Thinking. Praying. Asking for direction. Not directions on the roads but direction for life. We know which way to go when we look at a map, watch the signs. They tell us where to go. In life, there is not always such clear direction on where to go and what to do. So what can you do? Pray. Listen. Ask the Lord for direction.

Know this. God will give direction in some way or another. That is exactly what I am looking for at this time. Direction. And I am sure that in the end, the Lord's direction will be right. One prays this direction. One prays that direction. All should be able to ask for the same thing - the Lord's will to be done, to be shown. The Lord's will. the Lord's will is what we ask for. Lord, Thy will be done.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Calm Waters, Hot Day

Friday, the waves on Lake Michigan were big, washing over the breakwater. Rip currents kept people out of the water. Sunday, the beach was full, people were everywhere. Waves, yes. Not so big. Not so dangerous. People enjoying a Sunday in the sun. Amazing. This morning, as I looked out of the window, I saw calm. Yes, the lake was calm. Smooth. Amazing. I couldn't believe it. The change was dramatic.

 Changes. They happen. Rapidly. Completely. Here is on of those changes. How can such a huge lake change so quickly? I thought of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. "Be still," He says. And it is calm. Immediately. That is beyond comprehension. How can that do that? A sea, a lake, doesn't just calm immediately. It does when the Creator tells it to.

The day grows hotter. Walking around you feel the heat, the humidity. Yes, it is summer in the city. Boy does it feel like it. Hot here? Just imagine. This is nothing compared to an eternity. Yes, I believe in hell. I believe that it is a terrible place. A place without God, without His loving presence. How is that possible since He is omnipresent? He chooses to make it so. That is the only answer. He can do what He chooses to do. He says it is so, it is so.

I keep thinking about God in my life. How amazing He is. How forgiving He is. He has to be. I know my sin. He knows it. And yet He forgives it. All because of what Jesus did on the cross. How amazing. Amazing grace. The Lord's love shown in the most unusual way. Many do not accept it. Many do not believe it. OK. That doesn't change the reality. My heart breaks for those who do not know Jesus as their Savior, those who do not have Him in their lives.

So we find ourselves waiting. Texas Eagle will board around 1:00 p.m. Train travel. Wonderful way to go. Relaxing. Watch the world go by. See America like you cannot from a plane. Or a car, unless you get off the big roads and take the road less traveled. Then you can see America again. Not too many do that. Not enough time. Have to get there and back quickly. I have that happen often too. But when I can, then I slow down. All is a way to travel depending on your time and your desires. One better than another? Of course not. Each are unique and different. Me, I love trains. So here I sit. Relaxing, waiting. It will happen soon.

Where was I going with this blog? I don't remember. Just rambling. Always rambling.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Why the pictures?

The city is asleep, if it ever really sleeps. Looking out the window, across Lake Michigan, towards the east. Lakeshore Drive is there. There are a few cars running north and others running south, heading into town. The sky is just starting to lighten in the east. Soon the sun will be coming up. It is that magical moment between nighttime and sunrise. Waiting, waiting for the moment when the sun will come over the horizon.

Waiting. Early one morning. Walking the path. Sky slowing brightening. What will it be like? Why are they moving that way? The sun will soon be on the horizon. A sad day. Tears, slow steps, tough pathway.

Watching out the window, camera in hand. Waiting. The moon a crescent in the sky. Looking towards the east. Waiting. Watching. Soon. I love to wait for that special moment when you take that picture. Taking pictures is something I enjoy. Why? It is something that I have enjoyed for years. I remember my first camera, a Vivitar 220SL, a single lens reflex camera with a built in light meter. It was special. It was a kit, a camera, 50mm lens, a 150 mm lens, a flash and a camera bag. I used that camera often. Soon I bought a zoom lens. That was when there was no such thing as one touch zooms. It would take a lot to learn how to zoom and focus at the same time. I had come a long way from that first camera as I held my Canon EOS Rebel T3, auto focus. From film to digital. Time has changed, camera have changed and yet, I still love taking pictures.

My heart races as I wait for that moment, that picture. And then, click, and the shot is taken. How did it turn out? That is the reason to take pictures. Perhaps this one will be the shot I have been looking for. Is it good? Is it what I envisioned? Sometimes it happens. Most shots are just pictures. But there comes that one special shot that is much more than a picture. It makes it worthwhile. So I keep trying for that special shot.

Waiting for the sun to rise. Watching, waiting. The moment that it peeks over the horizon. Just a sliver of a light on the horizon. Orange. Slight, soon rising, more than before. Click. The special shot. Showing it to Penny. Seeing how she responds. That is how I will know that it is special, when she is able to see things through my eyes for that brief moment.

Taking pictures. Seeing through my eyes, seeing what I see. Always trying. Always shooting. More pictures than you can imagine. Part of my life. That is what I enjoy doing. 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

A few morning thoughts

So how is the morning? Quite something to see the sun shining brightly over Lake Michigan. The reflection upon the blue of the water. Waves chasing against the breakwater. Amazing to watch the power of those waves. Then to hear the news that five teens were caught in the rip current. Terrible to hear. The pain of the parents who hear the news. Wondering, is it my child? And then one parent receiving the word, it was your child. Oh, the heart breaks. Terrible news. Terrible results.

And yet I see in that the very thing that goes on in our lives. The current is too strong. Don't go into the water. Why not? Why not try? Isn't that exactly what happens each day? The Lord says, "Don't go there. It will only hurt you." And yet, we look at it and think, "Why not?" What does the Lord know that I don't know. I know better than Him for my life. He can't tell me what to do. And so, we wade into the water. Only up to our ankles. See it doesn't hurt. It won't cause me any problem. The Lord doesn't understand what my needs and desires are and how I should live my life. Up to the calf. The water is fine. Not a problem.

Temptation is like that. It pulls at us. It tempts us. It tests our resolve to live as the Lord would have us live. And left to myself, I don't just wade in up to my calves, I dive right in, knowing that I will be all right. I can make it through this. And then, it pulls at me. I can't get free. I can't survive.

Then the Lord dives in, He pulls you up. He holds you above the water. He carries you to safety. He dies in your place. Wow! Is that possible? Does it really happen? Yes it does! Yes it did! On the cross! He died for you! Wow!

That, my friends, is what is really amazing. The message of the Gospel. The message of life. That is for you.

So now, we live in it. Each day. In the face of temptation. Don't go where you shouldn't go. Live in Christ alone.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Ramblings from a train

Sitting in the brown seats, we looked out the window. The traffic was stopped, people looking through their windshields, waiting for the signal that they will be able to continue on their way to wherever they were going. We sat. The train still at the crossing, people climbing the steps to enter the silver-sided cars, hoping to find a seat where they could relax on their trip to their final destination. Where was it? Lincoln? Bloomington? Perhaps Chicago or even beyond. People looking up, wondering when it will be out their way. Anxious. Frustrated. Angry? Not as we sat in the seats, relaxing, knowing that soon we would be on our way.

Traveling by train. We enjoy it. Penny and I have spent days on a train going across the country, enjoying America in a special way. The Southwest Chief going through Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. You couldn't beat it. And yet, you could. The California Zephyr through the Rockies. And then the favorite, the Empire Builder across the northern tier of states. That first trip together seems like a while ago. It was 9 years. A good time. Wine and cheese tasting. Lamb shanks in the dining car. Wow! It was a trip.

There goes Atlanta! Illinois that is. The barn with eight sides. The museum. All whisking by as we sit comfortably, listening to music, enjoying the gentle rocking of the train. Not so gentle as it crosses a switch or turn out. Then back to a gentle sway.

Life moving quickly. Time slipping by. It is July already Where did the year go? How could it pass like so many small towns outside the window? There goes another one. There goes another month. A stop in one station. Then back to moving. The throb of the freight engines as we move quickly past. It is waiting for us to pass so it could continue on its way. Yellow streaks and then the various cars. Like life, so much variety and yet after a while they all look the same. Flashing past. Then it is past. Cornfields with tasseling corn. Bean fields green with growth.

Green with growth. The season of Pentecost. Growing like the plants in the field. Needing water and nutrients to stay alive. Needing Word and Sacrament to stay alive. Why would anyone deny themselves that which they need so desperately to keep their faith alive? Like the plants, they begin to think they are doing it on their own. Who needs God each day? Worship? Its about me! So says the stalk of corn as it stands proudly in the field. Will it make it to harvest? Depends on the rain, the heat, the storm and a host of other things. I can do it myself, it thinks. I can do it myself, he thinks.

Stopping on the siding, waiting. Why? Why can't I just do what I want? Because if you go now, you will run head on into a train coming south. Do you want that? Make them wait? Why? Are you more important than others? Is your time more valuable than theirs? In our sinfulness we would say yes. It is. But in reality, it isn't That is the selfish thinking of a self-centered person at work. Sitting, waiting, wondering. What is life going to bring you? What track will you be on? Will you take the siding? Will you make it to your destination?

Rolling again. Sunlight flashing through the trees. Flashing on the seat next to you. Good to see the sun. But you know even something so good as the sun can cause you problems. The heat of the summer sun, the brightness of the sun in the north country where it doesn't set till late and comes up early. Such a difference. Thinking of what it was like to see the sun set early in Hawaii. Was that really 4 years ago? Like a train flashing through the small town, life flashes past quickly.

And so the trip continues on. More thoughts. More rambling. More fun. Enjoying the trip with my love by my side. Can it get any better? Knowing the Lord, having Him hold me, giving me hope and direction. Yes, life is like riding a train through the heartland. Sometimes it moves quickly, sometimes it crawls and sometimes it sits in the middle of nowhere, waiting. So it is.