Saturday, July 7, 2018

A few morning thoughts

So how is the morning? Quite something to see the sun shining brightly over Lake Michigan. The reflection upon the blue of the water. Waves chasing against the breakwater. Amazing to watch the power of those waves. Then to hear the news that five teens were caught in the rip current. Terrible to hear. The pain of the parents who hear the news. Wondering, is it my child? And then one parent receiving the word, it was your child. Oh, the heart breaks. Terrible news. Terrible results.

And yet I see in that the very thing that goes on in our lives. The current is too strong. Don't go into the water. Why not? Why not try? Isn't that exactly what happens each day? The Lord says, "Don't go there. It will only hurt you." And yet, we look at it and think, "Why not?" What does the Lord know that I don't know. I know better than Him for my life. He can't tell me what to do. And so, we wade into the water. Only up to our ankles. See it doesn't hurt. It won't cause me any problem. The Lord doesn't understand what my needs and desires are and how I should live my life. Up to the calf. The water is fine. Not a problem.

Temptation is like that. It pulls at us. It tempts us. It tests our resolve to live as the Lord would have us live. And left to myself, I don't just wade in up to my calves, I dive right in, knowing that I will be all right. I can make it through this. And then, it pulls at me. I can't get free. I can't survive.

Then the Lord dives in, He pulls you up. He holds you above the water. He carries you to safety. He dies in your place. Wow! Is that possible? Does it really happen? Yes it does! Yes it did! On the cross! He died for you! Wow!

That, my friends, is what is really amazing. The message of the Gospel. The message of life. That is for you.

So now, we live in it. Each day. In the face of temptation. Don't go where you shouldn't go. Live in Christ alone.

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