Monday, July 9, 2018

Calm Waters, Hot Day

Friday, the waves on Lake Michigan were big, washing over the breakwater. Rip currents kept people out of the water. Sunday, the beach was full, people were everywhere. Waves, yes. Not so big. Not so dangerous. People enjoying a Sunday in the sun. Amazing. This morning, as I looked out of the window, I saw calm. Yes, the lake was calm. Smooth. Amazing. I couldn't believe it. The change was dramatic.

 Changes. They happen. Rapidly. Completely. Here is on of those changes. How can such a huge lake change so quickly? I thought of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. "Be still," He says. And it is calm. Immediately. That is beyond comprehension. How can that do that? A sea, a lake, doesn't just calm immediately. It does when the Creator tells it to.

The day grows hotter. Walking around you feel the heat, the humidity. Yes, it is summer in the city. Boy does it feel like it. Hot here? Just imagine. This is nothing compared to an eternity. Yes, I believe in hell. I believe that it is a terrible place. A place without God, without His loving presence. How is that possible since He is omnipresent? He chooses to make it so. That is the only answer. He can do what He chooses to do. He says it is so, it is so.

I keep thinking about God in my life. How amazing He is. How forgiving He is. He has to be. I know my sin. He knows it. And yet He forgives it. All because of what Jesus did on the cross. How amazing. Amazing grace. The Lord's love shown in the most unusual way. Many do not accept it. Many do not believe it. OK. That doesn't change the reality. My heart breaks for those who do not know Jesus as their Savior, those who do not have Him in their lives.

So we find ourselves waiting. Texas Eagle will board around 1:00 p.m. Train travel. Wonderful way to go. Relaxing. Watch the world go by. See America like you cannot from a plane. Or a car, unless you get off the big roads and take the road less traveled. Then you can see America again. Not too many do that. Not enough time. Have to get there and back quickly. I have that happen often too. But when I can, then I slow down. All is a way to travel depending on your time and your desires. One better than another? Of course not. Each are unique and different. Me, I love trains. So here I sit. Relaxing, waiting. It will happen soon.

Where was I going with this blog? I don't remember. Just rambling. Always rambling.

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