Sunday, July 15, 2018

Stormy weather

Flash! Crash! Boom! The sounds of the evening as storms roll in. Blue skies give way to dark skies, almost black, rolling clouds, wind, then driving rain. Lots of rain. Water from the skies. Yes, I did say at breakfast yesterday that we really needed some rain. We got it. Plus. Roads flooded. People out of power. Results of storms that we cannot stop.

But He can! He can stop storms. Remember the disciples, terrified as they battled a storm on the Sea of Galilee? Wind. Rain. Lightning. They were used to storms. But this one got them. They battled it. Rowed to keep turned the right way. All the while, Jesus slept in the back of the boat. He slept! Really? Jesus slept while a storm raged? Yep. That is what happened. "Don't you care that we are perishing?" the disciples ask Jesus. Don't you care that the storm is raging in my life? Don't you care that I am being overwhelmed by the storms that continue to roll in, one after another? Help! Lord save us!

What did they expect? For Jesus to help bail the water from the boat? To pull on an oar with them? To help keep the sails filled with air so they could perhaps run out of the storm? What did they expect? What do you expect? When you cry out to Jesus, what are you wanting? Help to make it through the day? Strength to pull on the oars? What?

Be quiet! Be calm! Jesus commands the wind and the waves. He calls out to them. Oh how often I have tried to calm the storm by telling it to go away. Never happens. The winds howl. The rain slashes. The lightning flashes. The wave crashes. The storm rages. Jesus slept. Wake up! Be quiet! Be calm! And the the winds stop. The rain ceases. The sea becomes calm. Just like that. It was over. Why? Because Jesus told it to stop. He calmed the storm.

Expected? Doubtful. The disciples didn't think He could do that! Nor do we think He can calm our storms. He can't make our waves to cease. He can't make the pains stop. He can't bring back the blue skies. Yet He can! And He does. He gives us the rainbow. He gives us the sunshine. He gives us hope in the midst of the struggles. It is amazing how the Lord can give peace, even while the storm rages. He gives hope even while the pains continue. He gives strength even while the arms and legs give out. It is through Him that we survive the day, the hour, the minute. He gives us what we need.

Sleep? Nope, not when we need Him most. Turn to Him. Cry out! And know that He has done and continues to do some amazing things for you in your life. Don't trust in yourself. Trust in the One who can calm the storm.

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