Monday, February 15, 2010

Sermon notes from Feb. 14, 2010

Let me know if you like reading my notes from the sermon. If you do, I will post them each week. I don't have a sermon written out. These are just my thoughts as I prepare for a sermon.

Luke 9:28-36
“The Glory is Amazing”

The opening of this sermon should be a children’s message on “love.” What is love? Not that we loved God but that he loved us and gave His life for us. What is love? On Valentine’s Day we focus on love – romantic love. It is a love that rises and falls, feels good and feels bad. It is a love that is based in what you can for me or what I can do for you. It is a love that changes daily, especially if you act in a way that I don’t like. Welcome to Valentine’s Day.

Thankfully the love of god is not like that. The love of God never changes. It doesn’t grow stronger when we are good and weaker when we are bad. In fact, we see the depth of that love in Jesus Christ. God loved sinners so much that he sent His Son into the world to save sinners (of whom I am the worst). Take a look at John 3:16. While were yet sinners, the love of God was shown through. That is not the love of the world.

As we talk to the children, we need to focus them on true love – from God. And as we do that, we can only hope and pray that the parents pay attention too. God’s love is for all of us – the heart of Valentine’s Day needs to the heart of God not a human heart. For there true love touches us and guides us through our daily life.

We will give the children boxes of valentine conversation hearts – as a gift to them to help the remember the love of God. Happy Valentine’ Day and love to all of us – from God.

Is there anyway to get a Valentine for God? We already have it – the Word. It is delivered to us by the Holy Spirit. Sealed with love from the cross. As you celebrate Valentine’s Day, may the love of God touch you and fill your heart and life with His true love.

This leads to the Mount of Transfiguration.
We began Epiphany with the Baptism of Jesus and the Father speaking from heaven – “This is my Son whom I love.” We see Him as the Son of God – changing water into wine, healing the sick, feeding the masses, casting out demons, etc. Then Epiphany comes to a close on this Mount. The Son is transfigured, change, a burst of glory for Peter, James and John to see. In the midst of the mundane life, they see Jesus in His glory.

What is this about? 1) The Son is on the course for the exodus.
2) The witnesses will proclaim this event after all is said and done.
Both focus on one thing – the love of God being proclaimed.

1. Jesus is the Son of God.
We are in need of a savior, one who is able to fulfill the Law in our stead, for we are lost in our transgressions and sins. A mere man would be in the same predicament that we are in>>>>lost, without hope.
Jesus has been showing who He is. He has asked the disciples who the people say that He is. He then makes it pointed, “Who do you say I am?” The answer is critical – a prophet? A man of God? These could be some of the answer given. Peter says, “You are the Christ of God.” You are the Anointed One, the Messiah. But what does that mean?

They would find out shortly. It will lead them to the place of death. But before they get there, they need to know the fullness of who Jesus is>>>>The Father speaks from heaven.

This is My Son.
The Son of God.
The only-begotten of the Father.

Jesus is God. He is sinless. He is holy. He is the fullness of all that is needed in the Savior.

What do we do with this knowledge? Listen to Him.

Listen to what He has to say>>>I will be handed over to be tried, convicted and crucified. I will suffer and die. And will rise again on the 3rd cay from the dead<>>>>Never Lord! Never will I let that happen to you!

Listen to Him! It isn’t about what you want. It is about what He says. He is the Son of God who will take away the sins of the world. He is the One who has given Himself to follow the will of the Father – the coming exodus: The departure is not a good translation.
Moses leads the people in their exodus from slavery in Egypt.
Elijah led the people on their exodus from slavery to the Baals.
Jesus leads all people on their exodus from sin and death.

He leads all people form death to life, from bondage to freedom.>>>He proclaims this. Listen Him! Follow what He says.

2. So Peter, James and John learn this. We learn it too. We are to listen to the Son of God>>>Which also means we are to do what He says. We proclaim the word we hear for others to follow.
Peter, James and John became witnesses to this after Jesus’ resurrection. They proclaimed what they saw with their own eyes.
Jesus tells them, “You are my witnesses.” Jesus says, “Go and make disciples.” They go about that in their lives. The most amazing glory was but a foretaste of a feast to come. 2 Peter 1:16-18

Indeed, we have seen the glory. We have heart the voice. We proclaim what we received from these eyewitnesses, we proclaim that Jesus is the Christ. He is the One who will go through this upcoming Passion. He is the One that we listen to. He is the One we proclaim. He is the Savior.

Challenge: Living in the glory of Christ. Listening to His voice. Following His Word. Sharing His love.

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