Thursday, December 6, 2012


This last Sunday, Dec. 2nd, brought the beginning of Advent. During this season, Christians say, "Come, Lord Jesus!" I often think we misunderstand what we are saying there. For most people, it is only a season that gets you ready for Christmas. In this season you start to rev up the motor, getting the gift giving warmed up and the party mode primed. It's all about Christmas. Advent is just the pre-Christmas season in which we have expanded the 12 days of Christmas to encompass all of December.

What we forget is that there is a three-fold emphasis in this season of Advent. First is one that we have started to speak of - it is a season in which we say, "Come, Lord Jesus" as we prepare to remember His 1st coming as a babe in Bethlehem. We do prepare our hearts and lives for the coming of the Christ-child at Christmas. It isn't about the parties and the gifts. It is all about the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us (John 1:14). We prepare for the greatest event in human history - the incarnation of the Son of God.

Second, we say "Come, Lord Jesus" in Your Word and Sacraments. Come into our hearts and lives right now, right here, where we live, breath, work and play. Come to us, abide with us. Be with us daily Emmanuel. And He does! He comes to us as we read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the Word of God. He comes to us in His body and blood in, with and under the bread and wine in the Sacrament of the Altar. He comes to us, abides us with and strengthens us. Advent is about His coming into our lives.

Third, we say, "Come, Lord Jesus" as we prepare our hearts and lives for His second coming. He is coming again, only this time not as a babe born in a stable but as the King of kings, the Lord of lords. He will come upon the clouds for all eyes to see Him, for every knee to bow before Him and for every tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Yes, He is coming again! (On Dec. 21st? Who knows? It might be when He returns. But don't hold your breath. Instead share the message of the Gospel with others so that they Spirit can work in their hearts and bring them into a relationship with Jesus as their Savior.)

Advent is about the coming of the Lord. Come, Lord Jesus! Come quickly.

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