Thursday, October 17, 2019

Life Isn't Fair

"It isn't fair." That is what you hear from a child that doesn't get his way. "It isn't fair." That is what the adult says when things don't go his/her way. "It isn't fair." That is the truth. Life isn't fair. I said that to my children many different times. Life isn't fair. Don't expect it to be fair. The boss will treat you unfairly. The people at the top will fire you from a position for no real reason other than that they want to get rid of you. Friends will turn on you because of what you have (or perhaps haven't) said. Life isn't fair.

Why? We live in a sinful, fallen world. Someone will want what he/she wants in order to get what he/she wants and will treat you unfairly. You will say something that others will not like and will turn against you. You will post a picture on FB and you will draw criticism from all sorts of people, even those you thought were friends. You will work hard in your life and the other person will get the position and the pay increase. You will work to be healthy, watching what you eat, exercising daily and you will develop a disease that will take your life. I remember we tried to preserve one of our vehicles, wanting to keep it for many years, doing all that we can to save on miles driven only to have it destroyed in a hail storm. Life isn't fair?

Truth. But let me tell you this, God is fair. God treats each person exactly the same. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do for a living. It doesn't matter if you are male or female. It doesn't matter what your ethnic background is. The Lord treats each person the same. Each person is lost in their sins. Each person, whoever you are, can't make yourself right with God. Your sin separates you from a holy God. He hasn't turned His back on you. Your sins takes you from Him.

Then He sent His Son for everyone. EVERYONE! Not just for one nation or one type of people. His Son took upon Himself your sin. He took your place. He carried your sin. He paid your price. He died and rose for you. Fair? Nope. Here was the sinless Son of God being put to death upon the cross for that which He did not do. Very unfair. But He was willing to take your punishment, and in return gives to you His righteousness.

God treats each one of us the same. He gives each person forgiveness in the same way - through faith in His Son. He gives love to each person in the same way - through His Son. He gives salvation to each one in the same way - through His Son.

Here is a God that treats each person the same way. He saves them in the same way. He loves them in the same way. People might claim that He is unfair. He is not unfair. He treats all the same. When it feels like He is unfair, stop, look at it from a different perspective - not from your perspective but from His perspective. He has already done all that is needed for you and for all people. People in the world will still be unfair. People will still be self-centered.

When you feel like saying God is unfair, stop and realize this: The world is unfair, but God is fair. Always. Forever.

1 comment:

  1. I’m sorry you lost your vehicle after working so hard to preserve
