Thursday, January 16, 2020

Shaking my head

All right, I know that I should not get into politics, but I can't let this slip by. I am not telling you what to think or who to vote for or who to support. That is your choice as you live in this great country.

Yesterday the articles of impeachment were signed. Why did this upset me? It didn't. The House can do that very thing since they feel that is what they must do. It is not my call.

But it upset me when I listened to politicians and new media calling the signing a "sacramental" moment or a "religious" moment. It is highly "spiritual" and was a religiously moving event. What? What are they saying? How can they use these religious terms for an act of the government? And they themselves vote to do things that are contrary to faith and the Word of God.

If that was their religion, if that was their Sacrament, then they are wrong. Period. That means that their god is their actions and the way they practice their religion shows why the country is in such trouble. If that is our religion, then we are like ancient Israel who was worshiping the Baals and Ashtoreths and it lead to their downfall.

What am I saying? This is wrong. It upset me. I found it to be appalling. It makes me sick to think that our nation has become a nation which loves self and false gods more than it loves the true God, the Triune God. What will happen? If we stay on this track, we will fall. The nation will be destroyed. Physically? Perhaps. Spiritually? Yep. We cannot expect the Lord to bless us when we turn our back on Him and call our actions holy and sacred.

That was not a sacred moment. It was a political moment. Plain and simple.

That's all.
God, please turn our hearts from sin to follow You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. that bothered me deeply as well. Thanks for stating this so succinctly and calling attention to it.
