Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ramblings on a Thursday morning

As I ramble, I want to start to with the thought that this is not a political statement. It is not saying that one party is right and one party is wrong. The fact is that the sins of all can be pointed out if one was to be honest.

I was thinking about the impeachment. Was the President "perfect" in what he did? Of course not. Could he have done things better? Yes he could have. But wait, the fact is that no one, that is NO ONE, is perfect or acts perfectly. Why does he claim it for himself? Don't we all? When something goes on, we always work to show how we are perfect in our actions and the innocent victim in the situation. Obviously he was not charged with any crime. That is a fact. He was charged with doing some things that weren't necessarily a crime but were not the smartest thing to do. Well, duh. Which president is perfect? Which member of congress is perfect? Which one of you reading this is perfect? Come on folks, realize that the only perfect One was Jesus Christ. Every one of us is imperfect and make bad decisions and do bad actions. Did President Trump deserve to be impeached for making a bad decision? Of course not. Unless you just don't like him. Be honest. If you like him, you didn't want him impeached. If you don't like him, you wanted him impeached. That is the reality.

I sit here and think to myself what a mess we all are. Republican, Democrat, Independent - we are all a mess. We are not thinking straight. We never think straight. Sin guides us. It destroys us. It deceives us. It makes it so that we do not act right in many different situations.

I was also thinking about Romney saying that he was voting a certain way because of his faith in God. Does that mean that the others didn't follow their faith? Is he the only one that did that? That is such a ridiculous statement. I remember when I did prison ministry, there was a clerk in one of the offices who was caught taking things off of one of the desks. He said, "God wanting me to take that and get caught in order to show me how to act." Really? God told you to steal? When does God do that? We play that card when we don't want anyone to question our actions. If God tells me to do it, then you cannot question me. You have to accept that I acted right. Which may well mean that you did not act right because you were acting opposite to what God told me. 

I also thought about this. Why is it when one party acts one way, they are following their heart. But when the other one acts one way, they are being political? The fact is, both may be following their hearts. And both may well be political. Since when is it exclusively one or the other. It is probably both things - following the heart and being political.

All right, remember, I am just rambling. Is it political? I guess it is, to a degree. Am I supporting one party over the other in this blog? Nope. Both have their good points and both have bad points. I just felt that it was hypocritical for people to rant and rave without being honest about their own motives. My motive? It wanted to get this off my chest. That was my motive. Judge me. Condemn me. Whatever. Just my ramblings.

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