Friday, February 28, 2020

Lenten Friday

It is Friday. Does that mean that you will eat fish today? Are you of the tradition that eats fish on Friday during Lent? I am not. That being said, I have often gone to a Friday fish fry. I don't now because I don't eat fried foods. Don't pat me on the back and say, "Well done." I don't eat fried foods because of not having my gall bladder. Fried foods do some terrible things to me now. It is also good that I don't since I have had some heart thingys. I know, no a word, but I am using it anyway.

There are many Fridays that have a fish fry. Here at St. John, we will have one on Friday, March 27. Don't miss it! That fried fish is good. For those who like it, enjoy it! I am not going to tell you it is wrong or you shouldn't do it.

I remember growing up in Decatur, IL and going to the Lutheran School Association from kindergarten through 8th grade. When we were at St. Paul's school for 5-8 grade, we had fish on Fridays. Either that or macaroni and cheese. We may have had it in 1-4 grade at St. John's but I don't remember that. Memory. You know, I really didn't start remembering things until after 5th grade and even then it was sketchy. Mrs. Werning in 3rd grade. Mr. Ponivas in 4th grade. Do I remember anything else? Yes, the janitor at St. John's shared his peanut butter crackers with me one day when I wasn't in class. Probably went for a drink or something and he was a friendly old guy. He might not have been that old either, but when you are a kid, everyone looks old.

Hmmm, where was I going with this? I don't remember. There is that memory thing again.

Anyway, it is Friday in Lent. We are 3 days into the season. How is that going for you? Doing the Lenten things? Giving up something? Extra devotions? Prayers? Isn't it amazing how we can be so sincere about something and then it seems so easy to forget or move away from it? 3 days. And maybe I won't continue those devotions because I am too busy. Temptation is too great for me to give up that chocolate and I really want it, so what difference does it make? Jesus already died and saved me and I have forgiveness for not holding to what I was going to do. (FYI - I did NOT give up chocolate for Lent.)

It isn't a sin to go against what you decided to do during Lent. It isn't a law. God won't damn you because you ate what you gave up or ate beef instead of fish on Friday.

What this does show us is how greatly we need a Savior. If we can give in to something like that, think of how easily we give into temptation. And temptation does lead us to sin. And sin is condemned by God. And because of that sin we deserve damnation.

Which is why we find ourselves going through the Lenten season because we have our eyes on Jesus Christ, the holy Son of God who has became man, born of the virgin Mary, the One who will be arrested for no crime, who will be tried for no reason, and who will be condemned though He did nothing wrong. He goes through this because it is the will of the Father and it is how the Father has said that He would save mankind. He would give His one and only Son for our salvation. He would suffer and die for us, paying the price of the law for us, and then would rise from the dead on the 3rd day. All for us! All to save us!

Then He will give this to use through faith in Jesus Christ. He will give us faith through the power of the Holy Spirit working in water and the Word, in Baptism. He will make us His children. And we will be saved! Can I get an "amen"?

That is what we see in Lent. Not us but Christ. Thank You Lord for giving Yourself for me and for my sins. Thank You for being my Savior. I need You and You came for me.

This Lenten season, do your Lenten fast, your Lenten actions, your act of pious devotion. Why? Because it will be a good discipline for you. (Just as it is for me.) But remember, the only thing that helps you to grow in faith in the Word of God and His Sacraments. He draws you in. He gives you faith. He saves you.

Yes, it is the first Friday in Lent. Now, what was I going to talk about?

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