Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lent Begins - a Journey

Today is Ash Wednesday. That means that we are beginning the 40 day journey to the cross. Those of us who are liturgical, who follow the Church Year calendar, find ourselves entering into a "somber" season. As we go into this season, there are a variety of practices that take place in the lives of us Christians.

During this Lenten season, I am going to try to blog regularly. This is meant to be journey to the cross. I don't have an outline to follow. It will be just a talk about what this means for me.

Ash Wednesday. The beginning. Every journey needs to have a start and today is that day. What does this day mean to me? I am reminded that I am a sinner. I am reminded that because of that sin, I am mortal. Yes, mortal. That means that one day, I will breath my last. I don't like to think about that. Today reminds me that I am a sinner, and as a sinner, I know that the wages of sin is death. The Lord tells me that in Scripture. Do I like to face that? No.

Thanks Ash Wednesday, for reminding me of who I am and what I deserve. Do I need ashes to do that? No. I know that there will be those faithful Christian who will receive the imposition of ashes at some point of through this day. For some, they find it very beneficial. It doesn't do anything for me. In fact, I feel like it takes my eyes off of my Lord and places it upon myself. I listen to Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount when He tells me to not put my acts of piety out there in front of people but instead to do my acts of piety privately, so that it helps my walk of faith. I know that there will be those who disagree with me. That's OK. I did not grow up in a Lutheran Church that used ashes. Through the years of my childhood, they were never used. Even at the Seminary we did not use the ashes. It was not seen as a necessary for the walk of faith. In these last 30+ years, I have focused on the cross of Jesus Christ, on the walk of faith which rejoices in what He has accomplished.

So here on Ash Wednesday, my focus is upon Christ not my acts. I look to Him, to His cross, to His taking upon Himself my sinfulness, to His death upon the cross in my place, in His time in the grave and then in His resurrection. My eyes look to Jesus. Do I do acts of piety? The answer to that is that I will point you to the actions of my Lord. Look to Him.

As I walk through this day, I will look up to the cross of Jesus. I know that should I breath my last today, I am a forgiven child of God. I have been forgiven for my sins, not because of what I have done but because of what He has done. How wonderful is that? Thank You Jesus! Thank You for loving me so much that You were willing to come into this world as a man to take my place under the law, to pay the price of my sins, to suffer and die for me and to rise for me. Thank You.

I am Jesus' little lamb. Be my Shepherd as I walk these 40 days of Lent. On this Ash Wednesday, show me the wonder of what You have done for me and my salvation.

One day, one step, one day into the season. Here I go!

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