Monday, April 20, 2020

A new week

It has been a week since Easter. We walked through a week with the Easter joy in our hearts and a song of joy on our lips. OK, maybe that is true or maybe it isn't. What I mean is that with all the things going on, it isn't that Easter joy was gone, it is just that the struggles, that joy was pushed to the background.

You still believe in the resurrection. You still hold onto the fact that because Jesus lives, you know that you live too. As He rose from the dead, you know that you are also going to rise from the dead. But what a hard week it has been for so many people. I thought about that and it reminded me of the time when Jesus and Martha were talking following Lazarus's death. "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you." Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise again." Martha said to him, "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day." (John 11:21-24) It can feel like that. You believe in the resurrection but there is the reality of the struggles of Covid-19, the businesses that are closed, the news that this school year is over, still social distancing, and the list of things goes on. You might even feel like crying out, "I believe, help me in my unbelief." (Mark 9:24)

Does the resurrection make a difference? Oh yes it does. Does it impact my life today as I begin this 2nd week after Easter? Yes indeed. I think about what took place when Jesus came to the disciples in the upper room on Sunday evening, what he said to the women at the tomb, what impacted the men on the road to Emmaus. It was those wonderful words, "Peace be with you." Peace be with you. Peace in the struggles of the day. Peace that comes not from the grave but from the empty tomb and a living Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has conquered sin, death and the devil. He has faced the terrors of the day, the struggles of hopelessness and has overcome them. He rose victorious from the dead and then stands right there, in front of you, and says, "Look at my hands and find peace. Look at my side and know peace. Look at Me living and know that I have overcome all that you are facing."

Yes it makes a difference. I still have problems. There are still issues in this world. I will still struggle through the day, but there, in my life, is the living Lord. He has risen from the dead just as He said. And He gives to me hope and peace as I face today. He assures me that this pandemic is not going to defeat me and overcome me. He tells me that in each moment of the day, He is either walking with me or carrying me through this day. Never am I alone. How do I know that? Because the grave is empty. Death could not defeat Him. I might be hiding in my house, trying to keep from getting ill from Covid-19, and He comes to me, in my life, shows me His hands and His feet and says, "Peace be with you, because I am right here with you. Always!"

Thank You Lord. Thank You for being with me. Thank You for encouraging me. Thank You for lifting me up. Thank You for assuring me that I am not alone.

Now, I face today with confidence, not from my heart but from the heart of my Lord.

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