Wednesday, April 8, 2020

How is it going?

How are you feeling? That is a question that gets asked. Generally it is asking if you feel healthy. With the chance of getting Covid-19, we ask that question, praying that whoever we are asking is not infected with this virus. I had a text last night asking if there was anything new with the pandemic in our lives. We wonder about that.

But I want to ask you: How are you feeling? I ask that of your mental health. As you are staying home, as you are spending more time with your family, how is your mental health? Families are spending much more time with each other than they have in the past. Families are used to running here or there. They are used to not spending a lot of time at home. This is why "cabin fever" hits in the winter time when the weather gets cold and nasty. We like to keep ourselves busy. We take our kids to games, school events, dance lessons, piano lessons, and a whole host of other things. But that has stopped. Now, instead of going to school and work, instead of going to games or lessons, families are spending hour after hour with each other.

And it is challenging. It can lead to frustration. It can lead to short tempers. It can cause all sorts of mental health issues. If you are feeling some of those pressures, reach out to someone. Call a friend. Call your pastor. Call a coworker. Talk about your feelings. Talk about what you are going through.

Talk to each other. Husbands, talk to your wives. And listen to them! Listen to what they have to say. Instead of letting it go in one ear and out the other, listen to what she is saying. Set your phone down. Turn off your computer. And listen to what she is saying. Let her know what you are feeling. Don't argue. Focus on your own personal feelings. Don't try to tell her how she is feeling. You can't. But you can let her know how you are feeling.

Wives, talk to your husbands. And listen to them! The very same thing that I said to husbands applies to wives. Don't tell your husband how he feels. Because you cannot tell him what he is feeling. Yet you can tell him what you are feeling.

This is a great time to build and strengthen your marriage relationship. It is an opportunity to do what you should be doing all along. You have time to sit on the porch with each other and talk about your hopes and dreams, your frustrations and hurts. Support each other. Show your love for each other.

And worship together! Yes, worship the Lord your God. On Sunday, there are so many options for online worship. If your congregation offers online worship, join together in watching and participating in the service. Sing together. Pray together. Listen to God's Word together. Then talk about what you heard.

You can do that with your children too! Take time to talk with your children. Listen to their hopes and dreams. Listen to what they are feeling. Get to know your children for who they are, not who you want them to be. This is a great time to grow as a family. And make sure you are including them in that time of worship.

So how are you? I pray that you are doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Dick & Carol We are well. We enjoy playing games & watching some TV. We also like to sit outside & watch all of the wild life out here and also watching the clouds as they go by. The best to you & your family
