Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June begins

 It is June! Can you believe it? June is here, which means we are fast approaching the halfway point of 2021. After 2020, with all the shut downs, the covid things, and the like, it seemed like it was a slow year. Looking back it did go quickly, but during the year, it dragged. This year is not dragging. It is flying by. Thank You Lord that the shut down stuff of last year has been being lifted.

The lifting of the requirements of the covid shut down has made it possible for the LWML to have the national convention in Lexington, KY, during this month. At first it was going to be limited. There was a waiting list. Then it was lifted. Those on the waiting list were welcomed in. And we are going to have a "normal" convention. Perhaps by the time convention arrives, the mask mandate will be lifted. That would make me happy. I hated the mask. I know that there were those that needed them, to protect themselves because of their health issues. I did not always agree with the way masks were used. I am now thankful that it has become an option you have to decide for yourself rather than being told that you have to wear it no matter what. Now comes the vaccination issues. Will you be forced to show a vaccine card to fly, to go into a store, to buy concert tickets? Time will tell. I hope not. 

I look foward to this month. VBS starts today. The LWML convention is at the end of the month. Warm weather. Sitting on the porch. Enjoying the days. Summer time. I love summer time. This spring has been crazy, up and down, warm and cold, cold and warm, typical spring weather which I hope is now behind us. 

Foggy today. Very foggy. Dew point and temperature are the same. I think of the fog that people walk in as they don't have the Spirit leading them. Lost in the fog, they wander aimlessly, or they rush headlong into those things that will hurt or destroy them. I pray that the Fog will be lifted. And that folks will see the clear path and the Good Shepherd who is there to lead them.

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