Friday, December 24, 2021

The story ends. This invite is from...

 "I don't know, dear," your wife was saying to you, "but if I was you, I would take it serious." You had just received your second invitation from someone calling themselves, "Your Father, God." You can't imagine that God would actually invite you to go to church. God doesn't work in that way. He doesn't send out invitations to people. 

But then how do you explain what you are holding. On the very day that you throw the first invitation away, the second one arrives, "to replace the one you threw away." Really? How could any of you friends have pulled this off? This is just to strange. It can't be real. Yet you are sitting there holding an invitation from God to go to church on Christmas Eve.

No. You are not going to give in. There is no way that this was from God. You refuse to give it any credance as it is just a prank being pulled by someone. Who? You are going to find out. And then you will be able to have a good laugh together.

"No, I am not going to church with you. I don't know who you put up to this but it isn't going to work," you tell your wife. Taking both invitations, you throw them in the grabage. Good riddance to bad rubbish, you think to yourself.

Just then, you phone rings. Picking it up, it shows the number but there is no identification, no name or place listed. All it says is "place not know." Great, a telemarketer, just what you need right now. Pushing the button to take the call, you think to yourself, "I am going to give this person a piece of my mind."

"Hello," you say. "Hello," a deep, luxurious voice says your name, "This is God your Father. Why did you just throw away my invitations?" Dropping your phone like it is on fire, you look at your wife...

...jerking awake, breathing heavily, you realize you have been dreaming. Was the whole thing a dream?

"What day is it?" you call to your wife. "Christmas Eve. I am getting ready to go to church." 

"Wait a minute," you say, catching your breath, "I think I will go with you."

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