Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Recipe for a Savior Day #11


Day # 11

Ruth 4:17b They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David.

            When you make that special recipe for Christmas, perhaps a special cookie or cake, you make sure that you add the correct ingredients. If you are making spritz cookies (a family favorite), you don’t add peppermint extract. That would ruin them. You add that which will cause the flavor to “pop.” Now, I would have thought that you added vanilla extract to the cookie dough. But if I would make the cookies with vanilla extract, they would not turn out correctly. It might not be as bad as adding peppermint extract but the outcome would be just as bad. They would not taste right. Instead you add…well, I will tell you at the end of this devotion.

            With A Recipe for a Savior we have already seen that some special ingredients are added at the will of the Father. Here in this little book of Ruth, we see that another special ingredient is added. It is a widow. That’s right, a widow. Actually within this story you will find another recipe being put together. You take 1 husband + 1 wife = 2 sons. Then you add in 2 daughters-in-law and you have the recipe for happily ever after. Yet this recipe includes the death of 3 men and instead you have a recipe for disaster. Life and love followed by death and sorrow. This recipe doesn’t seem to work out too well.

            The Father adds just the right ingredient, a widow redeemed by a man named Boaz. As the kinsman redeemer, he is also the right ingredient. God had a plan, an amazing recipe. Just when Naomi and Ruth were the most helpless, God acted. It reminds us of what Paul writes, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10b) That is exactly what A Recipe for a Savior is about – in our weakness, as we are unable to do for ourselves, God sends the Savior for us and for our salvation. God sends Boaz, who marries Ruth, takes care of Naomi and the, surprise of all surprises, has a child. That child is Obed who then grows to have a family of his own.  We are told, “He was the father of Jesse, the father of David.”

            This special ingredient in A Recipe for a Savior is Ruth, a Moabitess. God sure does add some surprise ingredients. Oh, and the special ingredient for spritz cookies – lemon extract. Who knew!

Prayer: Dear Father, we are blown away by how You work in this world. You bring together the right people at the right time just to save us from eternal damnation. Thank You for Your love and Your action. Amen.

Deeper Thought: What amazing ingredient/event has God added to your life (besides your faith in Christ Jesus)? How has this played a part in your spiritual walk to this point in your life?

1 comment:

  1. I've had added two special families into my life. The catch was I had to be willing to accept! One that happened my life changed for the better. Keeping in mind this was met with much resistance! I know that Gods works work was added to my life at the right time!
    Some people say I'm a late bloomer! I'm Thankful beyond words that God didn't give up on me! Although at times I'd given up on God and myself!
