Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Wednesday morning rant

Let it be said at the outset: What those 4 police officers did in Minneapolis (yes one did the action but the other 3 allowed it) was illegal, immoral and against God's law. They should be prosecuted according to the law of the land. What the rioters and looters have done in Minneapolis, New York City, Des Moines, Omaha and countless other cities is illegal, immoral and against God's law. They should be prosecuted according to the law of the land.

There, it is said. This is not about racism. Out of the 4 officers, only 1 of them was white. There is no moral outrage when a black officer shoots a white or Hispanic person. There is no moral outrage when a black officer shoots a black person. There is no moral outrage unless a white person does something to a black person. Why is that? Because of slavery. No? It is because we have been fed a lie that says that this is racism if it is white on black. It isn't racism if it is any other way. And we have believed that lie.

My friends, is there racism? Of course. Every one of us has some racism in us to some degree. Yet not every one of us acts out in violent ways with that racism. What is happening in the cities is that there are malcontents and godless people who are using this as a way to exert their sinful desire to destroy and hurt people. Don't blame racism. Call if for what it is. This is anarchy. It is what happens when media, politicians, Hollywood types and others want to destroy what they don't like. We are being lied to time and again. When a news reporter tells you that it is all right for them to act this way because of years of pent up anger and bitterness, they are just as guilty as those doing it. They should be tried for inciting riots.

This is wrong. It shows you what happens when God is removed from society. We have been doing that for years. It began many years ago, ramped up in the 60s, was fed by free sex and living in the 70s, was incited by the me generation of the 80s, was built upon by the narcisstic 90s and finally completely crushed by the godless 2000s. We have been removing God from everything - from schools, from society, from Hollywood, from government, from families, from individual lives and then, and this is the worst, from churches. Yes, churches. There are "Christian" churches who refuse to believe the Bible. They refuse to accept that Jesus is the only way to salvation. They support and applaud murdering unborn infants. The godless churches are finally guilty of letting all this take place.

God is no longer promoted in our society. How many Christians do you know that don't feel the need to worship and receive the Lord's Supper? How many parents have their children baptized and then don't bring them back to church till confirmation (if they even do that)? How many adults do not see the need to live Christian lives? How many Christians curse the name of God, spit on people that attend churches and call them hypocrites? How many Christians sit by idly and do nothing to fed their faith, to grow in Christ, to live as a child of God? Yes, we are Christians are very guilty of letting all this happen. We have fed it. We have built it. We have destroyed Christianity with our selfish attitudes that say "I don't need to go to church to be a Christian." We say we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and then push Him to the background, only pulling Him out if we feel the need for Him.

We are a godless country. Yes, there are good, Christian people in our country. There are many good Christian people. But when we allow godless activities to take place because of "separation of church and state" and sit idly by as our leaders pass more and more laws that take God further from the life of this country, how can we not expect to have these wild, destructive, sinful nights in our country. What has stopped them before. They have happened through the years and we allow them. We blame the police. We blame race. We blame our history.

And the problem is us. Do you live your faith? Do you worship your God? Or do you make excuses, let your life of pleasure and self-centeredness take over and push your faith to the background?

I know that I don't always live as I should. I don't say that to soften the blow. Yes, we are all sinners. Yes, we all struggle. But when we allow, more than that, when we push Christ out of our lives by the way we live, what do we expect? "God help our country!" we cry. We sound like the people of Israel in Judges. We sound like the people of Israel during the divided kingdom. We cry to God only when we feel like we need Him. Then we push Him away because it is too much to live our lives focused on Him and not on the pleasures and immorality of this world.

Let's not blame racism for these riots and this destruction. Let's not blame racism for the actions of these police officers. Let's not blame racism for what is going on in Washington D.C. or in our own state capitals. Let's put the blame where it belongs. We have turned our back on God and have made sin our god.

See what it gets us?


  1. Gosh you always seem to hit the nail on the head. You and God within you has inspired me so many times. God Bless you and Penny. We love you.

  2. Amen complacency is also sinful God Save us from ourselves
