Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Work of Evil

As I rose this morning, I prayed that things had been peaceful overnight. I already knew the answer to that prayer. Why? Because when I went to bed, rioters had begun to attack police and businesses. Why was this going on? The claim is that it is a response to the death of George Floyd. Others say it is because people need to blow off steam. Some say it is because of racism in our country. Some say it is because of white privilege. Some say it is can fill in the blank.

I say it is because we are letting ourselves be guided by Satan. We have opened up our hearts and lives to evil. We have let sin take over. What we are seeing is that the sinfulness that resides in our hearts is being allowed to come out in violent and terrible actions.

I sit here and think: for the last 3 months we have been told to stay home. We have not been allowed to worship our Lord in houses of worship. We have been starving our nation of Word and Sacrament, telling people that it is against the law to worship together. It is against the law to worship our Lord! Think about it. We are being told that it is unsafe to gather in a house of worship because of how it might spread this Covid-19 pandemic.

Yes, we can worship at home. But do you? Really? I read a report this last week that said the majority of people did not worship at home. They did not join in online worship. Yes, there was an uptick in people watching worship. Here at St. John, we had lots of people watching worship and Bible study. But when you begin to look at it, the fact is, there were people watching numerous watching several different services. How many of you actually watched a worship service? I would probably guess that those of you reading this did. I would be willing to bet that the actual number of St. John members that watched the service, compared to the number of members that "belong" to St. John,  was less that 50%. It probably was closed to less than 25%.

Why do I say this? I am not trying to shame anyone. But when you continue to starve your faith, soon your faith begins to struggle. And when you look at the people who are rioting and looting in the cities, I would venture to say that 99% of the people who are doing that, have no relationship with Jesus Christ. If you, a person who has a relationship with Jesus see no need to worship and don't see any problem with it, think of how hard it is to avoid the temptations that come your way - temptation to drink too much, temptation to look at porn, temptation to not treat others with respect, temptation name it. Imagine if you have no relationship with Jesus, how easy it is to give in to the temptation to riot, to hurt other people, to destroy property, to attack police officers.

Our country is facing a spiritual crisis. That's right, this is a spiritual crisis. We are see that Satan has control of this nation. These protests were supposed to be about the death of George Floyd. Yes, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer. Yes, the other 3 officers were wrong for allowing it to happen. But that point has been lost. This has now become about letting the base sinful actions come out. I watch video of rioters. They were laughing and cheering when property was destroyed. What does destroying businesses and property have to do with wanting justice for the action against George Floyd? Nothing. What does burning police cars and attacking innocent people have to do with what happened to George Floyd? Nothing.

These actions are no worse than what the police officer did to George. These actions are just as awful and wrong. What has happened here is that we have changed the narrative. We have allowed the narrative to become about anarchy and anti-community. When those who arrange a peaceful protest leave the area and then rioting begins, it tells you that it has nothing to do with justice. I look at the rioting aftermath and see gang signs sprayed painted on the side of buildings, and realize that this is not peaceful. It is meant to destroy and bring fear.

Fear. That which keeps people in control. Fear of the virus. Fear of rioting. Fear. Fear. Fear. And that fear keeps people in control.

Ranting? Yes I am. I am disgusted with what is happening around the nation. I am disgusted that when Pres. Trump speaks out against the rioting and he is criticized. I am disgusted that all politicians, right and left, have not spoken out against these actions. I am disgusted that people of wealth have supported these people who are arrested. I am disgusted that we have allowed our nation to stray so far from walking with the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

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