Friday, May 8, 2020

Ramblings about the virus.

Please understand, this is opinion. If you are easily offended, it might be best that you don't read this today.
I have been thinking, and that is a dangerous thing. I know that it isn't really good to talk about what is going on with the coronavirus but there are some things that have just gotten to me. This whole thing has challenged me in ways that I didn't expect.

There are more and more people being shown to have the virus. You watch the news, it is like watching a sports show. They give regular updates on the numbers. When I listen to it, I get the impression that it is kind of exciting to be able to report the numbers. (Made up report, so please do not tell me that it never happened, because this did not happen.) The reporter on the news: "And there it is, yes, this state testing has shown that we have gone over 2000 people with the virus. Yes, we made it to that number. Can you believe it, Sandra?" "Sam, that is amazing. The state has now reached that level. It is amazing to see so many people with the virus. Do you think we might be able to make it to 2,500 by the end of the week?" "I think there is a good chance, Sandra. Let's see what happens over the next couple days."  I get tired of hearing the reports on the numbers. It makes me feel sad to know that so many people have the virus.

Yet, there are things that are not reports. Here in Iowa, we have had over 11,000 people who have tested positive with the virus. That is terrible. I feel sorry for every one of those people. But what we weren't told is that in the testing, there were over 60,000 people who tested negative for the virus. Why not tell us how many don't have it? That is such a positive number. In Illinois, they have over 71,000 testing positive. Terrible! Yet they have tested over 379,000 people. Do you see what that means? It means that in a state that is struggling in many ways, over 300,000 tested negative. Really? Has anyone really paid attention to that? That is wonderful news. that means so many people are not sick. How wonderful that is.

But we don't hear those things. That doesn't make exciting news. It isn't terrible if more people don't have the virus that have it. That doesn't create fear. And it seems like they are wanting to create fear among us. Why? To control us. Why would they want to control us? I have no idea. But if you are afraid, then you will do what you are told. If you are afraid, you will stay how. If you are afraid, you will let others tell you what to do. If you are afraid, then you are pliable.

I think about this "Together Apart" thing that has developed in our country. We are told over and over again that we are better people by being apart. We are told that social distancing is a good thing. It is good for us not to get together. It is good to not be able to shake hands or to stand next to another person. It is a good thing to not be able to give someone a hug. We had someone pass away in the congregation this last week. As I met the family, I gave them a hug. I was told, "I didn't think you could do that." What? I couldn't hug a person who was grieving. Why? Because we are better apart. We are better off not touching each other. We are better off by not showing that we are connected with each other.

I think that is nuts. Humans are meant for relationships. We are meant to be with each other. I think about what God said in the Garden of Eden, "It is not good for man to be alone." Yes, we use that when we talk about marriage. But it is not good for man to be alone. Why do you think it is so comforting to hear Jesus say, "I am with you"? Because we need to know that we are not alone. It is important for people to have close relationships with each other. We need each other. We need to be around each other.

When it comes to worship, we need to worship together. Yes, it has been a blessing to have virtual worship. It has been a good thing to get us through the crisis. But we need to be together. We need to see each other. We need to sing with each other. We need to have time to grow together, in person. I hope that folks don't think that virtual worship is going to take the place of actual worship together in house of worship. It is important to be able to commune together. Why do you think it is called Holy Communion? We are together, having the faith in common. We are communing together. We are kneeling at the altar together. We are sharing the cup (even if it is individual cups). We need that. The Lord has given that to us as that special time to be communing with Him and with each other.

All right, I can say more but I probably have said enough for today. I pray for you. I pray for our community and businesses. I pray for our congregation. I pray for our leaders. I pray for our nation. I know we are in a tough time. I know that the Lord will see us through this time. How will it be when it is over? I hope that we still have the opportunity to shake hands, give hugs, and be with each other.

Till then, the Lord be with you. And I will see you in worship!


  1. I agree 100% Pastor Schuessler. Thank you for your thoughts and for posting them for us to read.

  2. Excellent reflection. Thank you
