Tuesday, May 12, 2020

We put the jelly out. And then waited. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas to come, or maybe my birthday. I would get up. Look out. And then sit back down. I text Penny, "Nothing yet." We waited and we watched.

That is the life of the Christian, isn't it? We know that the Lord is going to return. We know it is going to happen. We just don't know when. But let me ask you, are you actively watching for that return? Or do you even think about that return? Sometimes the events of the day make you think about the coming of the Lord.

With the coronavirus impacting our lives today, you might wonder, Is it time? Is He coming soon. And then there is talk about having to have a chip to keep track of you. And you wonder, is this the mark of the beast? Are the challenges and events of these days leading us closer to the coming of the Lord?

Lift up your heads. Look up! Rejoice, for the Lord is coming. But wait a moment. I am not saying that He is coming today. Or is He? Who knows? Who know when He will come again? He will come at the right time and on the day that the Father says, "Go." Are we closer today? Well of course. We are closer today than we were yesterday. But we still don't know when it shall be.

So I waited. I watched. I looked out the window. What was I watching for? The coming of the orioles. We had a feeder. We had the jelly. We had the oranges. When would they come? Our neighbor told me that he had seen them at the feeder. Really? Then Matthew says that he saw one. And I thought, "Why? Why can't I see them?" And I waited.

As we wait for the coming of the Lord, let me tell you this: Live in the Gospel, and share the good news with others. Make the most of this time that we are given and proclaim Christ in all that you say and do. Think about it. If Christ is coming, there are people who need to hear the Gospel before He comes. If they don't, they won't be saved. So why wait till tomorrow. It might not come. So speak up today about the Gospel of Christ.

Then it happened! I saw an oriole. There it was, coming to our feeder.

What a beautiful bird. I was thrilled. I let Penny know that they arrived. When she got home from work, we saw another one. How exciting it was.

And then I thought, how beautiful it will be when Jesus comes on the clouds. I long for that day, for then we will be free from this vale of tears and will be with the Lord in eternity. So I keep waiting. i keep watching. And I keep talking about Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of all.

Oh, and I will continue to watch the birds!

1 comment:

  1. Dick & Carol watch for the humming birds & they do not disappoint.
