Monday, May 4, 2020

Rain and ramblings

Let it rain! The forecast for this Monday is rain. We definitely need it. We planted our garden starting last weekend, and over the week we have finally finished all the planting of the garden and of the flowers. Now we could use some rain. The ground was very dry. As we drove around this last weekend we saw many farmers out in their fields. I heard yesterday morning that many are done with their corn and have moved on to the beans. I would imagine that with all those seeds planted, that a good rain would be a blessing. Now I am not talking a gully washer that causes flooding but a good soaking rain to bless the seeds and help them to germinate and grow.

The problem with the rain would be that it would also cause the grass to grow which would mean that we would need to cut the grass. It already is growing nicely, leading to cutting every week. When we get the rain, it will grow even faster and will need to cut, perhaps every 5 days.

So what is a blessing in one way, causes more work in another. We have to realize that. When we pray for rain, we should be thankful for the mud. When we pray for businesses to reopen, we have to realize that we will have to begin tot work again. I think about that. People have not been able to go to work for weeks and now, as businesses are opening, when we will begin to hear people complain about having to get up and go to work? Or when will folks begin to complain when Monday rolls around and they don't really want to get up and head to work? 

Yes, as time goes on, we give thanks for one thing and then begin to complain about it. I think about the children of Israel in the wilderness, who rejoiced when they were released from slavery in Egypt. God had freed them! Hurrah! Then they got hungry and grumbled. He fed them with manna. And they grumbled. "We hate this detestable food" (my paraphrase), they said. They didn't have to work for it. They didn't have to grow it. They just picked it up. And they grumbled against it. Kinda like we will when Monday rolls around and we have to get up and go back to work. For a week or two, maybe a month or two, we will be all right, but how soon will we begin to grumble? Why do I have to get up and go to work today? Why can't I stay home again? Really? Will we really say that? I am sure that we will. Lord have mercy on us for out grumbling.

This all started with rain. Let it rain! Thanks Lord, for the watering of the earth. Makes me remember that Your Word waters my soul and helps me to grow in faith.

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