Thursday, September 10, 2020

Random Thoughts

 Random thoughts come to me at different times. Our country is struggling - with covid, with shut down, with going back to school, with racial issues, with abortion, with ... you can probably name what you see our country struggling with. 

Tonight is the first NFL game to be played. I won't watch it. I don't agree with the political statements being made by these players and teams. Why? Because when Christian players wanted to make a statement about their faith, they were told they couldn't. It wasn't appropriate. When some players wanted to support fallen/killed police officers, they were told they could not. Now it is ok to make statements, as long at it supports the left or the louder voices in our communities today. I saddens me. So, I am exercising my freedom by not watching football. I have to be honest, as much as I am a Chicago Cubs fan, I haven't watched any games this year. Nor do I check the standings to see how they are doing or if they won or lost. Once again, exercising my freedom to say, "no thank you." Play sports. You hit a baseball or catch a football. If you want to be a politician, then get into politics. I am sure that someone will get upset with that statement. That is your right just as it is my right to make it. 

Rain. Cold. The last couple days have been both rainy and cold. It sure has been some nasty weather. But then again, we are starting to move towards fall. This is just a foretaste of the time to come. I sit here and listen to the rain against the window. I am ready for the sun to shine again.

Tomorrow is an anniversary, an unfortunate anniversary. It is the 19th anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers by terrorists. I can remember that day plainly. The sky was clear. Penny and I lived in Ferrin, IL at the time. The congregation was cooking open kettle apple butter on that day. I couldn't believe that it happened. I watched the events unfold. I remember talking with the school children at Trinity Lutheran School, Hoffman, IL where my kids were students. We listened to God's Word. We prayed to the Lord for safety and peace in our hearts and lives. We sang songs. It was quite the day. I think most of us were in shock. Planes were grounded. Which is some areas didn't have an impact. But I remember how quiet it was. We lived on the flight path to St. Louis, MO. For many days, it was quiet. The sky was clear of all planes. I didn't realize how many flew over until they weren't. The sky was clear. It was quiet. It was strange.

I think about what Christ has done for all of us. When I think of that attack on the country, I realized how wicked the world was. As I see the riots in the cities today, I see how wicked the world is. When I see racisim hurting people, I realize how wicked the world is. When I hear about shootings and murders, the abuse of drugs and people, the pain that is brought into the lives of people, I realize how wicked the world is. And then, I realize that is exactly why the Son of God came into the world. We cannot free ourselves from this wickedness. It takes the work of the Holy Spirit to change our hearts, our thoughts and our actions. These many wickednesses can only be changed as our hearts are changed. Without the Lord making us new, these wicked actions will continue. No changes will happen, no matter how many laws are made or protests are done. 

Yes, the Lord came for this reason. The Son of God became man. He took upon Himself the sins of the world. He went to the cross on behalf of each and every person who has lived, was living or would live. He went to the cross for my sins. I rejoice that He has done this for me. I rejoice that He has done that for you. He is the only One who can heal my heart, your heart and our nation. As we change, we can begin to change the world. Let's listen to His Word. Let's be changed by the Spirit. And let's change the world. 

I know, rambling. I do that. I pray that your day will be blessed. May the Spirit change your heart. So that you will become part of the change.

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