Monday, September 14, 2020

Thoughts on Fall

 It is that time of the year. Fall. Autumn. However you want to call it. This is my favorite time of the year. With the exception of last week, when we had those rainy, cold days which felt more like late October than the beginning of September, the weather tends to be really nice. Cool, crisp evenings and nights, sunny, warm days. Soon the colors will begin. The trees will begin to change. The reds, oranges, and yellows of the trees will cover the trees. The burning bushes will turn bright red. The mums will begin to show their colors. (It is about time to purchase the mums for the fall. Never like to buy them too soon, especially in August because it is too hot and dry. Can't keep them watered enough to keep them alive. At least that is what we have found.)

The one thing about fall that is challenging is the fact that you have to clean up your yard. The leaves will fall. We have a gingko tree. When it looses it's leaves, it does it all in one day. All those leaves come down and cover everything with those heavy green leaves. It will be a pain to rake them up and haul them away. Then there is that fruit of the tree. They have to be picked up. Why do we continue to have that tree? It is because it gives such wonderful shade in the summer. It keeps the house cool for about 2/3 of the day in the summer time. This is a case of putting up with the clean up because you want to have the blessing of the tree for a good part of the year. Good and bad - part of fall.

The garden did pretty well this year. Our tomatoes did really well. I still have 4 plants in the garden. I pulled up some of them already. The peppers did ok. Not as good as last year. The zucchini did really well, which was good because last year they didn't. Our green beans didn't do so well this year. Thanks rabbits, for nibbling them off when they were just coming up in the spring. Butternuts? I need to get out an pull them out and see how many butternut squash we actually grew this year. They are a great fall crop. We always have one at Thanksgiving. 

Speaking of thanksgiving, what are you thankful for at this time? It has been challenging with all the things that have been going on. But we need to stop, and see how we still are truly blessed by the Lord. Each day is a blessing that He has given to us. We need to see life in that way - blessings from the Lord. I give thanks to God for His love each day, for His grace and His mercy. 

All right, I rambled away from Fall. I really love this weather. Soon it will be sweater weather. That tends to come in late September and early October. I like sweaters, as those of you who know me are well aware. 

Just to mention, we have a drive through Fish Fry on Friday at St. John. Come over and pick up a meal or two. It will be good to see you.

Now go out an enjoy that wonderful fall weather. The sun is shining today. Thanks Lord. I ask that You would guide me today in all that I do.

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