Monday, November 23, 2020

Beginning Thanksgiving week

 Thanksgiving 2020 is going to be different for many people. There will be many people who will not be traveling to see family. There have been many places who have placed restrictions on how many people can gather together in their houses for Thanksgiving. That actually shocks me. I get that restrictions can be made in public places, but in private places? I never dreamed that I would see a time when we would be told how many people could be in your house. When I was growing up, there were movies that had such things in them, and they were about those who finally rebelled against those in control because they were tired of not having their personal rights. Now, here it is. We are living those very things. I would not have thought that it would happen. 

Even having said that, I still think about how much I have been blessed in my life. God has blessed and continues to bless me in this life. I think about those blessings and it overwhelms me. God is good and is good to me every day. Does this mean that everything goes my way every day? No it doesn't. It means taht God is with me each day. He watches over me. He cares for me. He is with me. And that, in itself, is more than I could ever ask for. 

I sit here and look out the window to the southeast, and watch the sun come up. 

I see the sky turning pink, and I thank the Lord. The clouds are high and pink. It is is cool and crisp outside, and it reminds me that the grace of God is new every morning. It is crisp in my life. Crisp in your life. I give thanks to Him for how He is watching over me each day.

I can go through a list of things that I am thankful for in my life. The first and foremost thing I am thankful for is the fact that the Lord loved me so much that He gave His life for me. He suffered and died upon the cross and then rose again on the 3rd day - all to bring to me that forgiveness, life and salvation. He has done that for you too. Give thanks for the salvation that He has given to you through Jesus Christ. He watches over you, in all times of your life.

What else am I thankful for? My family, my church family, my family of friends, and so much more. I could get a list going. I am thankful for my dogs, who bring smiles to my face and give me much joy (even as they can be frustrating when they want to go in and out, and in and out). How do you list all that you are thankful for?

Penny, Rachael, Matthew, Brandon and Chelsey, and Shirley. My brothers, even though I don't see them except on FB. My extended family, that I may or may not be able to see regularly. Those who are my friends from different congregations and different places that we have lived. I thank God for each one. I rejoice that the Lord has brought each of you into my life.

As I go through this week, I think I might continue to think about what to be thankful for in my life. I encourage you to do the same thing. Give thanks, with a grateful heart.

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