Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A bit of rambling on snow and Phil.

 We had a lot of snow last week. 14 inches is a lot of snow. It was the 2nd most snow that Clarinda has had in its history. It was 1912 when there was more snow that we received last week. It was a lot. It is still around today, probably because it will take a while for that much snow to melt. I am thankful that we didn't get too much rain last Saturday because it might have led to flooding. Having said that, I listened to the news this morning about a snow storm in the East. Some of those places got 30 inches of snow. Imagine that! 30 inches! How is that possible? That is a bunch of snow. I thought we had a lot, but that is only half the amount that they received. As much as we prayed that the Lord would keep us safe in our large snow, we need to pray for those out East so that they are kept safe in this huge amount of snow. May the Lord watch over all of them - especially the plow drivers, and those emergency personnel that need to be on call and working during this storm. 

How do I feel about how things are going in our country? I don't know. I do not understand trying to set laws by executive order. No other president has used so many EOs. I guess this is the way to get rid of Pres. Trump's legacy as quickly as possible. Why work through the House and the Senate? Why let them do their job when Pres. Biden can do it all with a stroke of a pen. I shake my head and realize, this is what so many voted for since a record number of people voted for him, more than any other, including the very popular Pres. Obama. I have nothing else to say about this.

Soon and very soon, I am going to get a knee. I had my surgery in January cancelled due to a positive test. Did I have it? Did I not have it? Well, if you go by symptoms, you would have to say no. The test said yes. So surgery was cancelled. Thankfully, they rescheduled it for Feb. 11th. As I have had to go through another month and I now know that it must be done. Yes, it hurts. Standing is a challenge. Stairs, well, let's just say that I don't race up the stairs. My right knee is doing well. It is good. Thank the Lord! So a little more than a week and the PT begins again. That therapy is challenging. But it is worthwhile.

Well, what else can I say? I am sure I can ramble on. Those that listen to a sermon might think that is true. I hope not. But rambling is easy for me. The ground hog saw his shadow this morning so there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If he had not, then spring would come early, probably in six weeks. Wait, spring does begin in six weeks. Phil is a cute ground hog. I would not have been looking him in the eyes like they did. I would be afraid that he would bite my nose. He is so well behaved. Way to go Phil!

I pray that you have a blessed day. Today and tomorrow will be the best days of the week for us here in Clarinda. Then it will begin to turn cold. Realllllly cold! Looks like lows at zero or below for about 4-5 days. We will all have to bundle up to stay warm. We will see what happens when the weekend gets here. Goodluck to all of us.


  1. pretty sure your statement about EOs is false. trump clearly governed a lot by EO, and there is NO WAY biden could have done enough to warrant your statement that "no other president has used so many". sigh. disingenuous is what you seem to be, and maybe upset that your boy trump lost? a man clearly NOT of God.

  2. I stand corrected. Let me clarify. In the first 16 days, Trump signed 7 EO and Obama signed 9. Biden has signed 25 in the same length of time.

  3. yep. you were wrong. would be nice if your clarification actually made it to your first writing. and which of these 25 (mostly overturning the worst of the trump EOs) do you disagree with? seriously asking.
