Saturday, February 27, 2021

Two weeks of thanksgiving

 Two weeks. Yes, it has been a little over two weeks since I had knee replacement surgery. It has been quite the two weeks. The first weekend was when we had the brutally cold weather. We were already going to be stuck inside so it didn't matter to us. Actually, we were going to be spending a lot of time in the living room, so having it cold made it possible to use the fireplace. So that wasn't so bad.

I have gone to a cane. I am walking stairs, one at a time. Up with the good, down with the bad. That is the mantra I have as I do the stairs. Up with the good, down with the bad. Anyone who has had leg problems probably knows the mantra. It works. It really works. Slow but sure wins the race, or at least gets you to the top of the stairs or the bottom of the stairs - in one piece, not in a pile at the bottom trying to sort out if you are hurt or not. Thankfully, I have never fallen down the stairs. Thank God for that!

Physical therapy - need I say more? Really? You don't get it? They are good at what they do. They push you, they pull you, they make sure that you are doing what you are supposed to do. I was at 1 degree on laying my leg straight. That is actually better than the right leg. It also bent to 111 degrees without any help from Jordan the PT. With her help, it went to 116 degrees. Wozzer! That was good. 

Staples came out Friday. The PT took them out. At least 14. Didn't hurt. Looks really good. No, I will not post a picture of my knee. It isn't gross looking. There is no redness or anything that looked like an infection. So that is good news. That big bandage is finally gone. Now the staples are not pulling, might be able to bend even more. Keep us the exercises. Keep bending. Build up the strength in the quads. 

Getting back to live preaching this weekend. The last 4 services (actually 6 but Saturday/Sunday are counted as one) have been recorded. Attended worship for two of them. Gave me a chance to see myself preach, and figure out what I could do better or differently. I look forward to being back to leading worship. 

Was it worth getting my knee replaced? Yes it was. Is it comfortable yet? No. Is there still pain? Yes. But it is still worth it. The pain will go away. I know that because my right knee is doing well. Do I grumble about the pain? Oh yes. Not openly. Not to other people. But to Penny and to my dogs. I even grumble to my turtles. But they don't tell anyone what I say. There are times when I wish the pain would be gone. There are times I pray for a miracle to take it all away. And as Penny tells me, I am getting that miracle, as the healing takes place and the pain lessons, as I am able to lift my foot off the bed, as the staples came out without any infection. Yes, a miracle of healing from the hand of the Lord. I give thanks for that healing. As I lay in bed, offering up my prayers, I have found myself spending more time thanking God for the many blessings He has given me. In fact, it seems as though I am spending less time asking for something for myself and more time thanking Him for all He continues to do for me, that come without any merit or worthiness in me. I know, sounds Lutheran. But that is what I am. And it is very Scriptural. 

So if you see me walking with a cane, rejoice for me. If you see me wince in pain, give thanks to God for me. For these are part of this wonder of having a new knee. I can't believe how amazing it is that God has given doctors the ability to replace an old, worn out knee with a new, improved knee. 

Stepping into a new week, we will see where it will take me. And where it will take you. Lord, lead us on.+

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