Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The change in weather.

 The weather is quite amazing. One week we are facing unbelievably col temperatures, hitting as cold as 24 degrees below zero. Snow piled everywhere. Bundling up. Caring for the animals, making sure they are safe in bitter weather. Farmers having to chip away ice to get water for their critters. People trying to keep their pipes from freezing. Layers of clothes. Heavy coats. Scarfs. Hats. Meetings cancelled. Schools closed. 

Then the next week, temps in the 50s, then the 60s and finally the 70s. Up to 90 degree temperature swing in about 2 weeks. 14 days after bitter cold, windows are open. People are walking in shirt sleeves and shorts. Sitting on the porch. Tulips pushing through the ground. Early trees looking like they are just about ready burst as the buds get their fuzziness of pre-explosion look. Night time lows in the 50s and 60s. Winds blowing without a wind chill. No wind chill! 

It is said many times that if you don't like the weather, wait till tomorrow and it will change. That is what is taking place. It happens regularly. Weather changes. Winds blow in warm weather. Winds blow in cold weather. Just wait, it will change.

Makes me wonder, is that how your spiritual life is? Do you change spiritually with the winds of change? When something new comes along, do you embrace it, without even thinking about it? I believe that it happens often. When the wind blows in something new or different, do you embrace what is said? If so, how do you know if it is true or correct? Or are you going to be like Pilate and ask, "What is truth?" 

When you look at a new teaching, don't just accept it. Open your Bible. Study what it says. See if the new teaching is based in Scripture or in the feelings of the person putting it forward. Often, we base things upon feelings, without Scripture. That is not only dangerous but it is spiritually deadly. Satan loves to have us base our faith upon feelings. Why? Because our feelings are shifting ground and changes with how the winds are blowing. 

I guess I am saying, continue to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the Word of God. Make it a regular part of your daily routine. Spend time in Bible study with others. Attend worship and hear that Word each and every week. Don't rely upon yourself or your feelings. Rely upon the unchanging Word of God. 

What will the weather be next week? I don't know. What will God's Word tell us next week? Jesus loves us, dies for us, rises for us, cares for us, forgives us, helps us and it is all shown to us in that wonderful Word. Keep the focus where it needs to be. 

And...enjoy the beautiful weather.

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