Friday, November 19, 2021

The lunar eclipse

 I thought about setting an alarm to wake up at 3:00a.m. but then, the more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea. Therefore, I did not set an alarm. I figured if I woke up in time, I would go out and see the lunar eclipse. If I did not wake up, then I would see the pictures that others posted. So with that thought in mind, I went to sleep last night. In truth, I figured I would miss the eclipse. Not that I was upset by that thought. I like to sleep. It is bad enough when Wrigley gets me up to go outside. In case you don't know, Wrigley is our chocolate lab. There are nights when she decides she wants to go outside. I think she has a date or something. Perhaps she is visiting with the rabbit that hangs out in the yard. 

So there I was, sleeping away. The lunar eclipse began at 2 or something like that. The height of the eclipse was going to be 3:05 a.m. Seriously, 3:05 a.m. So what happens? at 3:07 I wake up. I lay there thinking, "Do I want to get up?" I debated for a few minutes. Then I thought, if it is cloudy, I can go back to sleep. I got up, looked out the window and saw stars. And it is was dark. The full moon was NOT shining brightly, which meant the ecplise was going. Sigh. That meant, in my mind, I should go outside and see it. 

So there I was, three in the morning, putting on a coat, picking up my camera, heading out the door. Really? Was I doing this? Yes. I looked up and it was breathtaking. The moon was glowing red. There was a sliver of silver, since was not a total ecplise.

This picture does not capture the red. I have a couple that do, but they are blurrier. I shot them with my handheld Canon with a telephoto lens. I tried various speeds. The slower speeds caught the red. 

So the question is, was it worth getting up? Yes it was. I enjoy seeing the wonder of the creation that God has created. As I stood there watching the ecplise, I thought of how amazing it is that God created this universe the way He did. It is an amazing universe, a wonderful world and a glorious life. 

Thank You Lord. Then, I went back to bed. Yes, I did fall asleep quickly. Thank You for that, too, Lord.

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