Thursday, November 4, 2021

Waiting is a challenge

 Waiting. It isn't something that we like to do. In today's world, we are used to getting things instantly. I am not sure when it "officially" came into being, but we became and instant society. Perhaps it was with TV dinners back in the day. You did not have to wait for a dinner to be prepared. Instead, you could have it "instantly." They really were not instant, but it was quite a bit easier.

Then came the microwave. Instant. Pop something in, hit the button and presto! It is ready. What used to take an hour, might take only a few minutes. Instant! We get our information instantly. I remember having to get up in the morning, and watch the TV to see if school was called off. You waited to see if it scrolled along the bottom of the screen. If you had to leave for a moment, you could miss it and have to wait till it came around again. If you wanted news, you had to wait for the newspaper (what is that?) or for the news that came only once an evening. We hear instantly when something happens thousands of miles away. We live in an instant world.

We are waiting. And there is nothing we can do to make it happen sooner. What are we waiting for? The gingko tree to let go of it's leaves. Others have lost their leaves, but our hasn't. Why not? Come on, let the leaves fall. It has been 2 days already since others have lost their leaves. The catalpa tree has dropped it's leaves. But not our gingko. Waiting.

Waiting is tough. Waiting to hear back from the doctor on the tests that are run. Waiting for the family to arrive on a holiday. Waiting to get paid. Waiting in line at the store. Waiting to go somewhere. 

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" Psalm 27:14 ESV Waiting for the Lord to come again. We must wait for that time. We do not know when it is going to happen. So we wait. As we wait, we trust in the Lord. As we wait, we take courage, because Jesus Christ has already come to save mankind. Waiting in faith, we find comfort and strength. In the Word we are given comfort, strength and assurance. 

So we wait. When will those leaves fall?

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