Monday, December 17, 2018

Week #2, Day #3, devotional thoughts continue

The next verse of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. God is with us!

Week #2, Day #3 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

O Come, O Come, Thou Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes on Sinai’s height
In ancient times didst give the Law
In cloud and majesty and awe/
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to Thee, O Israel. (LSB 3567 vs. 3)

Lord of Might! Lord God of Hosts. He is the One who wins the victory over all those who stand opposed to Him. HE is the Lord of great might, shown in the weakness of the manger and the cross. A glorious Lord and a powerful God.

What has He done? He brought His people out of Israel. He led them through the Red Sea on dry ground. He guided them in the wilderness with a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. He fed them manna in the morning and quail in the evening. Yes, this is the God who has cared for His people in amazing ways.

Then He led them to Mt. Sinai. The place of God. The ground shook. The lightning flashed. The thunder rolled. The hearts of the people melted. It was a terrible sight. And yet it was a grand sight. God was with them (Emmanuel) He was giving to Moses the Law. That very Law that we still follow today. He gave the Law in cloud and majesty and awe. It was a great and terrifying time at Sinai’s foot.

The Law was given in ancient times, given for the people of the world. Given for you and me. We still are called to follow this Law. We are still to live our lives according to His will and not our will. It is our will that messes things up. It is our will that leads us into sin again and again. It is our will that causes us to transgress the Law and deserve to be punished by this great and glorious God, by the One who inspires such respect and awe.

And yet this very same God comes to earth, incarnate, as a Child, born of a virgin, born in a stable, laid in a manger. What an amazing God He is. This is Emmanuel, God with us. He has come for us and for our salvation. This is the fullness of Emmanuel. The Law condemns but Emmanuel brings salvation. Rejoice! Rejoice! What is stopping you? Here is your God, for you, for your salvation.

PRAYER: It was with great terror that the people saw You on the mountain God. We given thanks that we no longer approach You with such terror but are able to come into Your presence because of Emmanuel, Your only-begotten Son. Help us to live each day in the wonder of Your grace, following Your Law in our lives. Amen.

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