Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Work of Evil

As I rose this morning, I prayed that things had been peaceful overnight. I already knew the answer to that prayer. Why? Because when I went to bed, rioters had begun to attack police and businesses. Why was this going on? The claim is that it is a response to the death of George Floyd. Others say it is because people need to blow off steam. Some say it is because of racism in our country. Some say it is because of white privilege. Some say it is can fill in the blank.

I say it is because we are letting ourselves be guided by Satan. We have opened up our hearts and lives to evil. We have let sin take over. What we are seeing is that the sinfulness that resides in our hearts is being allowed to come out in violent and terrible actions.

I sit here and think: for the last 3 months we have been told to stay home. We have not been allowed to worship our Lord in houses of worship. We have been starving our nation of Word and Sacrament, telling people that it is against the law to worship together. It is against the law to worship our Lord! Think about it. We are being told that it is unsafe to gather in a house of worship because of how it might spread this Covid-19 pandemic.

Yes, we can worship at home. But do you? Really? I read a report this last week that said the majority of people did not worship at home. They did not join in online worship. Yes, there was an uptick in people watching worship. Here at St. John, we had lots of people watching worship and Bible study. But when you begin to look at it, the fact is, there were people watching numerous watching several different services. How many of you actually watched a worship service? I would probably guess that those of you reading this did. I would be willing to bet that the actual number of St. John members that watched the service, compared to the number of members that "belong" to St. John,  was less that 50%. It probably was closed to less than 25%.

Why do I say this? I am not trying to shame anyone. But when you continue to starve your faith, soon your faith begins to struggle. And when you look at the people who are rioting and looting in the cities, I would venture to say that 99% of the people who are doing that, have no relationship with Jesus Christ. If you, a person who has a relationship with Jesus see no need to worship and don't see any problem with it, think of how hard it is to avoid the temptations that come your way - temptation to drink too much, temptation to look at porn, temptation to not treat others with respect, temptation name it. Imagine if you have no relationship with Jesus, how easy it is to give in to the temptation to riot, to hurt other people, to destroy property, to attack police officers.

Our country is facing a spiritual crisis. That's right, this is a spiritual crisis. We are see that Satan has control of this nation. These protests were supposed to be about the death of George Floyd. Yes, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer. Yes, the other 3 officers were wrong for allowing it to happen. But that point has been lost. This has now become about letting the base sinful actions come out. I watch video of rioters. They were laughing and cheering when property was destroyed. What does destroying businesses and property have to do with wanting justice for the action against George Floyd? Nothing. What does burning police cars and attacking innocent people have to do with what happened to George Floyd? Nothing.

These actions are no worse than what the police officer did to George. These actions are just as awful and wrong. What has happened here is that we have changed the narrative. We have allowed the narrative to become about anarchy and anti-community. When those who arrange a peaceful protest leave the area and then rioting begins, it tells you that it has nothing to do with justice. I look at the rioting aftermath and see gang signs sprayed painted on the side of buildings, and realize that this is not peaceful. It is meant to destroy and bring fear.

Fear. That which keeps people in control. Fear of the virus. Fear of rioting. Fear. Fear. Fear. And that fear keeps people in control.

Ranting? Yes I am. I am disgusted with what is happening around the nation. I am disgusted that when Pres. Trump speaks out against the rioting and he is criticized. I am disgusted that all politicians, right and left, have not spoken out against these actions. I am disgusted that people of wealth have supported these people who are arrested. I am disgusted that we have allowed our nation to stray so far from walking with the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A new view of that day

It was early on the 1st day of the week. The drone rose into the air, and was guided it via the control pad as it flew through the streets of the city. The people in the room sat there, watching the view on the screen in front of them. Soon the drone was outside the city. They continued to control it as they maneuvered the drone around bushes and trees. Soon the drone drew close to what they were looking for that morning. There were the rocks. Looking around via the camera on the drone, they looked around the scene. There were the guards, on the ground. Zooming down, they could see that they looked like they were dead. They looked at each other in wonderment. What did this mean? Zooming back out, they turned their attention to what they had sent the drone to see. Slowly, the moved the drone closer. It was open. Yes, it was open. What is that all about? It should be closed tight. Slowly moving into the opening, it took a moment for the iris of the camera to open up in the darkness of the room. Looking around via the silent eye, they saw the place they were looking for. It was empty. Wait! What was that? Look what is lying there.

Excitedly they ran into the next room and woke the others. They excitedly told them what they had seen. A couple of them got up and ran into the other room. One was quicker and got there first but didn't look until the other arrived. He looked at the screen and shook his head. This couldn't be the right place. It couldn't be real. He pushed past the others and went into the other room, shaking his head and telling the others that this was all wrong.

Left alone in front of the screen, they used the camera to look around again. There was someone seated there. He held up a sign that said, "Not here. Look elsewhere. Perhaps at the lake." Excitedly, they flew the drone back out into sunshine. And there stood a man. Look! There is someone there. He held a sign up that said, "It is me! Tell them that it is me! And I am OK." Looking at each other, they avoided hugging. They knew they wanted to but they were told to avoid all physical contact. So they smiled and nodded their heads at each other.

They ran into the other room to tell them what they had seen. Avoiding each other, they exclaimed the good news. They had virtually seen him! He was not in that dark old tomb. He was risen! They had seen it virtually. The all looked at each other and cheered, avoiding all physical contact. Jesus had virtually risen from the dead.

Crazy scene? Yes it is. The whole scene on that first day of the week was a scene of physicality. The women physically carried the spices and physically walked up the path. They hugged each other, helping each other through the grief they were feeling. Jesus has physically died upon the cross. The blood had flowed down the wood of the cross. He was physically taken down from the cross and laid physically in the tomb. They held each other in their grief. Sunday morning they walked together, close to each other, closer than 6 feet. When the arrived at the tomb, they were not afraid to enter into the tomb, the place of death. While we know it wasn't, a tomb is a place of terrible odor, a place where a body should be decomposing. They did not care. They were there to care for Jesus' body. They physically saw the angel. They physically saw Jesus. They physically went to the disciples. The disciples physically entered the tomb. The men on the road to Emmaus physically talked with and ate with Jesus. Jesus told them to physically touch His hands, His feet and His side. Touch Him! He was physically alive.

If that was today, would that have happened? We are told to avoid all contact. Do not touch each other because you might spread the disease. I watched a news report this morning telling me that hand shaking should never happen again. Never! It was pointed out that maybe we should do as they do in the Asian culture, bow to each other. Really? Is that what we are to do? Bow because that is what is done in another culture. Don't touch each other?

Are we really that afraid? Before Covid-19, we touched each other. Why is Covid-19 more dangerous? Looking at the death rate, it is lower than that which is from influenza each year. We touch, we hug, we shake hands and we were not afraid. We are being told to be afraid of this. Why? Because we are told to be afraid. When the fear begins to lessen, another issue is brought forward. Continue to be afraid. Be afraid to die!

Today is Ascension Day. It is a reminder of the physicality of life. Jesus physically rose into the sky and enter physically into heaven. We are told that He will come again, physically. When He does, all who died will physically rise from the grave. And those who are still alive will be changed, physically. We will rise to meet Jesus in the air. And these physical bodies will enter into heaven for an eternity.

Yet we are supposed to be afraid of the physicality of life. I have to say, I am not. Am I being foolish? No. I trust in the Lord. I live each day facing death. I know that at any moment my life may end. But I do not fear that. Instead, I live at peace and in assurance of faith each day. I am assured that Christ is with me. If I end up in the hospital, I know that He will be with me there. If I end up on a ventilator, He will be with me there too. But wait, very, very  few actually end up in the hospital and on a ventilator. But because of the 1%, we are to be very afraid. Because less than 10% of people test positive for coronavirus, we are to live in fear. Sorry, I don't. I am not being foolish. I do not rush into the nursing home just because I don't have that fear. I am honoring the fact that the residents might have a better chance at getting the virus and I play it safe.

I look forward to when I can shake your hand again. I will wait till you feel comfortable with it. I will wait till you feel that you are ready to touch again. Then I will give you a hug. I will hold your hand when you are ready. Until then, I respect your feelings. But I also ask that you respect my feelings. I am not being selfish feeling this way. I am trusting the Lord, even as you are trusting Him in your life. Living in that faith together, we will be together again. And we will lift up our hands together in praise to the Lord.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I ramble, and say what I feel.

As you read this, you might become upset with me. You might not agree with me. And that is all right. All I ask is that you don't become combative. Remember, this is my ramblings.

As I sit here to blog this morning, my thought are going several different directions. Which way will the blog go? It is is like the spring weather, we never know where it is going to go until it has been here and is gone. About a month ago, it was in the 70's, pushing the 80's, and then it snowed 8 inches, was gone in 24 hours and warmed back up. After being warm enough to convince folks to plant their gardens, it went cold again, even getting down to freezing a few nights, so that flowers and delicate plants (that means tomatoes) needed to be covered. Just so you know, we didn't cover them. We let them face the weather on their own. If they survived, hurrah! If they didn't, we would have gone back out to Henkeville to see if they had more plants. That too was a big change. When Covid hit and everything shut down, they were sure they were going to lose their shirts because no one was buying plants. Today, they are practically sold out. If you would have said a month ago they would be sold out, they probably would have said you were crazy. But then again, if you would have told me that I would have to put the heat on in mid May, I would have told you that you were crazy as well. But both things have happened. So you just never know how things are going to go. It calls for trust in the Lord.

This coronavirus really has things in a tizzy. Businesses were shut down for two months. Well, some were, and some weren't. That is what was crazy. You could go to a chain store and be all right but couldn't go to a small store. You would get sick at the small store but not the chain store. You couldn't go to church but you could get an abortion. One politician said that abortion clinics were essential to sustain life. Really? It is essential to kill babies to sustain life? How warped our society has become. it was 2 months till we could worship again in person. At the beginning of May, the governor of Iowa said it was OK to start worshiping together again as long as we maintained a safe distance from each other. No hand shaking, no passing the plate, no sitting next to each other. Not all states did things. Some states still have not allowed church to open. I believe this is a constitutional wrong. I am not a constitutional expert but it seems that the government has set aside the right to worship because of this virus, which has a 97-98% survival rate. Because deaths rates are high in some areas (and that number can be debated because people quit dying of natural causes, everything was Covid related deaths), that means that you don't have any rights until someone decides you have rights again. I shake my head and think to myself that I can see how Hitler was able to convince the German people to allow him to have the power he did. People are basically sheep. The Lord says that. We are sheep and will often follow the voice of a stranger rather than the Good Shepherd. And then when we get in trouble, we cry out to the Good Shepherd to help. Then we blame Him for us getting in trouble and getting in harms way. Why didn't He stop us? we ask as we wander off after another sinful blade of grass and listen to the voice of another hired hand, a false shepherd, who doesn't really care about us but only is using us to get his/her way and do the things he/she desires to do.

But I digress.

We have been filled with fear. We are told that if we go out, we are going to die. If we don't die, then we are going to cause someone else to die. Stay inside and no one will die. Go out of your house and someone will die because of you. You are being selfish thinking you have the right to leave your house. Stay home, stay safe. Go out and be unsafe. Fear. FEAR! Be very afraid. This is the the most terrible thing to take place since, well, since Adam and Eve at the fruit in the Garden. And look what happened then? They exerted their freedom and caused death to come upon all people. Isn't that what God says? From the sin of one don't you dare exert your freedom. You will cause people to die. And you don't want to be the cause of someone's death.

Let me give you a bit of insight. People are going to die. People are going to get sick. People are going to get cancer. People are going to get in car accidents. People are going to drink too much and cause problems in this world. People are going to buy and sell drugs. People are going to be unkind to other people. People are going to treat other poorly. People are going to do things just for themselves. Death rates are not going to go down just because you stay in. Look at the death rates (if you can believe them) and that was with staying home. That didn't stop it. But be afraid that you are going to become a murder if you go outside of your house.

All right, maybe the ads don't say that. But because of the ads and the news media, that is the fear that is place in our hearts. We are filled with fear. We live in fear. We might get sick and die.

For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. St. Paul quotes Psalm 44 when he writes this in Romans 8:36. This is the reality. We face death each day. I am not saying we rush into situations which will cause us to die, for example, walking down the middle of the passing lane on the I-29. That would be foolish. But what he is saying is that we are facing death each day. Our sins, the wages of them, is death. Each day we struggle with this. Our bodies will fail. Our lives will be threatened. If not be Covid-19, then by the next thing. We are told every fall to get our flu shot because of thousands upon thousands of people who die form influenza every year. Yet we continue on with our lives. (BTW- more people have died form the flu this year than from Covid-19. I know, a shock, but that is what is going on and we aren't told that.) We go out of our houses and face the chance of getting the flu. We shake hands. We give hugs. We sit next to each other. We eat in the same restaurant. We stand next to each other in line. And we are not afraid. We are not filled with fear. It is just life.

But somehow we have been convinced that this Covid is worse than anything this world has seen since the Spanish Flu. So we are afraid. We live in fear in our houses. People cower when you walk past them at the store. They glare at you if you don't wear a mask. They pull back if you get too close. They turn and walk the other direction if they think you might actually get within the 6 feet of them. If you stay 6 foot 1 inch, that is all right. You are safe. But 5 foot, 11 inches is deadly. Really? Why? Because we are told that is the case. You will die if you get any closer. Fear. Filled with fear, we cower and wonder when will this be gone? Will they get us vaccine soon enough before it creeps into my house and kills me in my sleep. Living in fear, we struggle through out days.

Back to Paul in Romans 8. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:37-39) I am not afraid of this virus. Do I take chances on getting it? No. But then again, neither do I live in fear of it. Why? Because I know that I have a God who is greater than this virus, so much so, that He is with me, and that means He is with me whether I get it or not. He is with me if I do. He is with me if I don't. And I trust that He will see me through whatever I face.

And I know, that one day, I am going to die. I do not buy into the culture of fear. It tells me that if I don't hide, if I don't stay home, if I don't wear a mask, if I don't stay 6 feet away from others, then I will die. My friends, I can follow all that and still die. I can follow all that and still get the virus. After all, the majority of people in NYC that contracted the virus, were staying at home, self-isolating (over 60%). I am a child of God and He is with me in all I face. He has carried me through 7 heart caths, many visits to the ER with chest pains, several surgeries, 2 rounds of pneumonia, a lifetime of asthma, cardiac artery spasms and He will carry me through whatever is coming down the pike.

He says to me, "I will be with you always." And He is. And so, I live in hope and trust. And I wash my hands and I don't do foolish things. I am His and no virus or media will stop that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

We put the jelly out. And then waited. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas to come, or maybe my birthday. I would get up. Look out. And then sit back down. I text Penny, "Nothing yet." We waited and we watched.

That is the life of the Christian, isn't it? We know that the Lord is going to return. We know it is going to happen. We just don't know when. But let me ask you, are you actively watching for that return? Or do you even think about that return? Sometimes the events of the day make you think about the coming of the Lord.

With the coronavirus impacting our lives today, you might wonder, Is it time? Is He coming soon. And then there is talk about having to have a chip to keep track of you. And you wonder, is this the mark of the beast? Are the challenges and events of these days leading us closer to the coming of the Lord?

Lift up your heads. Look up! Rejoice, for the Lord is coming. But wait a moment. I am not saying that He is coming today. Or is He? Who knows? Who know when He will come again? He will come at the right time and on the day that the Father says, "Go." Are we closer today? Well of course. We are closer today than we were yesterday. But we still don't know when it shall be.

So I waited. I watched. I looked out the window. What was I watching for? The coming of the orioles. We had a feeder. We had the jelly. We had the oranges. When would they come? Our neighbor told me that he had seen them at the feeder. Really? Then Matthew says that he saw one. And I thought, "Why? Why can't I see them?" And I waited.

As we wait for the coming of the Lord, let me tell you this: Live in the Gospel, and share the good news with others. Make the most of this time that we are given and proclaim Christ in all that you say and do. Think about it. If Christ is coming, there are people who need to hear the Gospel before He comes. If they don't, they won't be saved. So why wait till tomorrow. It might not come. So speak up today about the Gospel of Christ.

Then it happened! I saw an oriole. There it was, coming to our feeder.

What a beautiful bird. I was thrilled. I let Penny know that they arrived. When she got home from work, we saw another one. How exciting it was.

And then I thought, how beautiful it will be when Jesus comes on the clouds. I long for that day, for then we will be free from this vale of tears and will be with the Lord in eternity. So I keep waiting. i keep watching. And I keep talking about Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of all.

Oh, and I will continue to watch the birds!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ramblings about the virus.

Please understand, this is opinion. If you are easily offended, it might be best that you don't read this today.
I have been thinking, and that is a dangerous thing. I know that it isn't really good to talk about what is going on with the coronavirus but there are some things that have just gotten to me. This whole thing has challenged me in ways that I didn't expect.

There are more and more people being shown to have the virus. You watch the news, it is like watching a sports show. They give regular updates on the numbers. When I listen to it, I get the impression that it is kind of exciting to be able to report the numbers. (Made up report, so please do not tell me that it never happened, because this did not happen.) The reporter on the news: "And there it is, yes, this state testing has shown that we have gone over 2000 people with the virus. Yes, we made it to that number. Can you believe it, Sandra?" "Sam, that is amazing. The state has now reached that level. It is amazing to see so many people with the virus. Do you think we might be able to make it to 2,500 by the end of the week?" "I think there is a good chance, Sandra. Let's see what happens over the next couple days."  I get tired of hearing the reports on the numbers. It makes me feel sad to know that so many people have the virus.

Yet, there are things that are not reports. Here in Iowa, we have had over 11,000 people who have tested positive with the virus. That is terrible. I feel sorry for every one of those people. But what we weren't told is that in the testing, there were over 60,000 people who tested negative for the virus. Why not tell us how many don't have it? That is such a positive number. In Illinois, they have over 71,000 testing positive. Terrible! Yet they have tested over 379,000 people. Do you see what that means? It means that in a state that is struggling in many ways, over 300,000 tested negative. Really? Has anyone really paid attention to that? That is wonderful news. that means so many people are not sick. How wonderful that is.

But we don't hear those things. That doesn't make exciting news. It isn't terrible if more people don't have the virus that have it. That doesn't create fear. And it seems like they are wanting to create fear among us. Why? To control us. Why would they want to control us? I have no idea. But if you are afraid, then you will do what you are told. If you are afraid, you will stay how. If you are afraid, you will let others tell you what to do. If you are afraid, then you are pliable.

I think about this "Together Apart" thing that has developed in our country. We are told over and over again that we are better people by being apart. We are told that social distancing is a good thing. It is good for us not to get together. It is good to not be able to shake hands or to stand next to another person. It is a good thing to not be able to give someone a hug. We had someone pass away in the congregation this last week. As I met the family, I gave them a hug. I was told, "I didn't think you could do that." What? I couldn't hug a person who was grieving. Why? Because we are better apart. We are better off not touching each other. We are better off by not showing that we are connected with each other.

I think that is nuts. Humans are meant for relationships. We are meant to be with each other. I think about what God said in the Garden of Eden, "It is not good for man to be alone." Yes, we use that when we talk about marriage. But it is not good for man to be alone. Why do you think it is so comforting to hear Jesus say, "I am with you"? Because we need to know that we are not alone. It is important for people to have close relationships with each other. We need each other. We need to be around each other.

When it comes to worship, we need to worship together. Yes, it has been a blessing to have virtual worship. It has been a good thing to get us through the crisis. But we need to be together. We need to see each other. We need to sing with each other. We need to have time to grow together, in person. I hope that folks don't think that virtual worship is going to take the place of actual worship together in house of worship. It is important to be able to commune together. Why do you think it is called Holy Communion? We are together, having the faith in common. We are communing together. We are kneeling at the altar together. We are sharing the cup (even if it is individual cups). We need that. The Lord has given that to us as that special time to be communing with Him and with each other.

All right, I can say more but I probably have said enough for today. I pray for you. I pray for our community and businesses. I pray for our congregation. I pray for our leaders. I pray for our nation. I know we are in a tough time. I know that the Lord will see us through this time. How will it be when it is over? I hope that we still have the opportunity to shake hands, give hugs, and be with each other.

Till then, the Lord be with you. And I will see you in worship!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The sun comes up at the set time.

I watched the sun come up this morning. As I did so, I was reminded that no matter how crazy things become, there are still those natural laws that God has put in place. The world continues to spin on its axis. The days are still 24 hours long. You can be certain when the sun will rise and when it will set. The hours of the days are the same. Yes, it is below average temperature. But then again, when you read that sentence, you realize that this is not that unusual. Why? Because when you take the average of temperatures, you look at what has happened over the last certain number of years - the highs and the lows - and it tells you that it is not unusual to be "below" normal just as it is not unusual to be "above" normal. The average just let's us know what is the, wait for it, "average" of those temps. I know, not earth shattering, but then again, it shows you that no matter how much things change, things will remain the same.

That is comforting to know. This means that I know that the Lord is still in control of the universe, which means He is still in control of this world, which means He is still in control of my life. Think about that. You are not alone in what is going on. While you might think your life is spinning out of control, the Lord is right there with you. You might mess your life up by your sinful actions, but the Lord is working in your life to help you turn from your sin (it is difficult to acknowledge the fact that you messed things up and need to turn from that sin), and will forgive you and be with you as your begin to rebuild your life. He is there with you in the midst of your cancer, heart disease or coronavirus. He is there with you when your business is struggling because it was forced to be shut down because of the pandemic.

There is such comfort in knowing that Jesus Christ, the Lord of this universe, is with you wherever you go and whatever you are doing. I rejoice to know that as I get up today, Jesus is with me. When I walk out of the house, the Lord is with me. When I go to the office, the Lord is with me. When I drive down the road, the almighty God is with me. This came into focus for me once again this week when one of our members was entering the last hours of his life. He was in the nursing home here in Clarinda. Because of the virus, no one is allowed in the nursing homes. I give thanks that they allowed the family to come in and be with him. They allowed me to come in and spend some time with him. Yet, even if none of us were with him, he was still not alone. The Lord was with him. The Lord was sitting next to the him in the bed. The Lord held his hand as he lay there. And the Lord gathered him into His arms as he breathed his last. Isn't that comforting? The Lord is with each and every one of us each and every day. What a great God, and what great comfort and strength.

Yes, the days are a mess. But the Lord isn't. Yes we are struggling through the days. But the Lord is there strengthening us. Yes we are wondering when this will change. But we know that the Lord will never change.

Makes you want to sing, doesn't it! "Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands and voices..." All right, so you didn't have to suffer through my off key singing. Yet, you can sing it in your head, or perhaps even out loud if those around you don't mind.

May you find comfort and strength in the Lord today. The sun will set tonight at the set time. And at that moment, you can know that the Lord is with you. Thank You Lord!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Rain and ramblings

Let it rain! The forecast for this Monday is rain. We definitely need it. We planted our garden starting last weekend, and over the week we have finally finished all the planting of the garden and of the flowers. Now we could use some rain. The ground was very dry. As we drove around this last weekend we saw many farmers out in their fields. I heard yesterday morning that many are done with their corn and have moved on to the beans. I would imagine that with all those seeds planted, that a good rain would be a blessing. Now I am not talking a gully washer that causes flooding but a good soaking rain to bless the seeds and help them to germinate and grow.

The problem with the rain would be that it would also cause the grass to grow which would mean that we would need to cut the grass. It already is growing nicely, leading to cutting every week. When we get the rain, it will grow even faster and will need to cut, perhaps every 5 days.

So what is a blessing in one way, causes more work in another. We have to realize that. When we pray for rain, we should be thankful for the mud. When we pray for businesses to reopen, we have to realize that we will have to begin tot work again. I think about that. People have not been able to go to work for weeks and now, as businesses are opening, when we will begin to hear people complain about having to get up and go to work? Or when will folks begin to complain when Monday rolls around and they don't really want to get up and head to work? 

Yes, as time goes on, we give thanks for one thing and then begin to complain about it. I think about the children of Israel in the wilderness, who rejoiced when they were released from slavery in Egypt. God had freed them! Hurrah! Then they got hungry and grumbled. He fed them with manna. And they grumbled. "We hate this detestable food" (my paraphrase), they said. They didn't have to work for it. They didn't have to grow it. They just picked it up. And they grumbled against it. Kinda like we will when Monday rolls around and we have to get up and go back to work. For a week or two, maybe a month or two, we will be all right, but how soon will we begin to grumble? Why do I have to get up and go to work today? Why can't I stay home again? Really? Will we really say that? I am sure that we will. Lord have mercy on us for out grumbling.

This all started with rain. Let it rain! Thanks Lord, for the watering of the earth. Makes me remember that Your Word waters my soul and helps me to grow in faith.