Friday, January 15, 2021

Blizzard, snow, wind, and ramblings

 The snow is blowing like crazy. Here on this Friday morning, we are under a blizzard warning. Really? A warning. No, it is a blizzard. I heard this morning that means that you have sustained winds of 35+ mph and snow. Well, all night that wind blew like crazy. What is it about winter wind that howls? In the summer when the wind blows, it doesn't howl like it does in the winter. Winter winds just sound cold and awful. Laying bed last night (actually whenever I happened to wake up for a few moments, thankfully I sleep well), I heard the wind blowing. That is something because it takes a lot of wind for us to hear it in our house. And believe me, I could hear it last night. Today, as I sit here at my desk in my study, I see the snow going sideways down the road and I thank God that I am stuck inside! I am also glad that Penny did not have to go to the hospital today to pick me up following the knee surgery. I would have been concerned for her well being as she drove to the hospital and back. So there is another thing to thank God for - Penny did not have to drive in the snow and wind. I pray for whoever got my spot on the surgery schedule. That person must have needed it more than I do. So I ask the Lord to please help the person get through the recovery of surgery and get safely home today.

Watching the snow, I realize how much I enjoy it. I know, those of you with livestock are stuck doing chores in this awful weather. I am sorry for you. I pray that you are safe while doing your chores. Get them done quickly and get back into the warmth. Make sure those cows have some straw to bed down in. This too shall pass. Not quick enough for you, I bet. Anyway, I like watching the snow, listening to music, having the fireplace going, and enjoying the day with my lovely wife, Penny. The dogs lay around with us too. It makes for a winter day. Lord, watch over those who are driving the snow plows. Keep them safe from the crazies on the road, and keep them on the roads as they work to try to keep them open for those who must get out.

I will look forward to going outside tomorrow and taking pictures of the snow, the drifts, the places the snow was blown, the wonder of nature and how snow gets in amazing places and in amazing formations. Clumping around in my boots, I may find some good pictures. I don't think I will clump around today. I am only going outside when the dogs need to go out. Otherwise, I am inside! 

So what do you do on a snowy day? Puzzle? Read? Eat? There is comfort food that is great to consume on a day like this. I am doing a couple of interviews for my Major Applied Project for the Doctor on Ministry degree. I am also going to be doing some writing. 

Unfortunately I will be unable to lead worship this weekend. Fortunately, I recorded the sermon already, since I was planning on being laid up, getting around with a walker, and moaning and groaning about how I felt. But that won't happen. Still will not be leading worship or Bible study Sunday. Oh yes, just a note, there will be no Adult Bible study Sunday. There is worship. Elders will lead it and the preacher will be on the screen. 

I hope you have a great day. The Lord is with you. He sends His angels to watch over you. Ramble with you again in the near future. 

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