Monday, January 18, 2021

Lord willing...

 It has been a week. Last Monday was the beginning of the time when I was moving towards having my 2nd knee surgery. Oh how I was looking forward to it. The left knee is really giving me fits, more than I remember before, which might be because of work it needed to do when the right knee was replaced. It is nice to not have the pain in the right knee. It gets stiff. I have to keep moving it. If I sit too long, it gets stiff. But that is to be expected. I just keep moving my leg, making sure that it is in good shape. I am thankful to have had that surgery.

But that hasn't happened yet with the left leg. It was all set up. Thursday the 14th I was to go in at 7:30 for a 9:30 surgery. I was filled with trepidation. Why? For those who have gone through such a surgery, you understand the challenges. At first, they get you up. You walk the first day. How is that possible? Lots of pain medication. Then comes the challenge of even lifting the leg. You work and work to get it moving. Lots of pain. Lots of work. Lots of therapy. And over time, things get better. But those early days are a challenge. I was not looking forward to that aspect but I was willing to go through it in order to have two legs that work good and don't have the pain in the knee and leg when I stand up or when I walk or when I stand too long. Bring it on!

Casey Brown and I recored two weekend sermons, in order to be ready for the time I would be laid up. He does a good job with the recording and the sound of within our worship services. He is a real asset to the congregation and the mission of the church. "Called by God" was the Sunday theme. God calls each of us. We reach out to others. We tell them, "Come and see!" Come and see the Lord from His Word. 

So everything was ready. Even the LWML ladies on the national Board of Directors were ready. This week is a when the CPC, BOD and PA meet via zoom. They were aware of the impact that would make upon my thinking and we had it all worked out. Great! God be praised.

Then it all fell apart. God be praised! Yes, I say that about it all falling apart because if I can't say it in every situation, it is just a pious little ditty that is said in good times. We are to praise God in good times and in bad times. I give thanks to the Lord in the times when I am feeling good and I give thanks to God in the times when I am frustrated, upset and unsure of what is going to happen. God be praised when the week goes as I planned. God be praised when the week does not go as planned. As James tells us in his epistle, we are to say, "Lord willing I will do this or that..." (see James 4:3-17) My week was going according to the will of the Lord.

I received word that I was not going to be able to have the surgery. I would be lying if I told you I was ok with it. I wasn't. I was frustrated. I was upset. I wanted to get this over with. Now I would have to wait a month to 6 months to get the surgery. Frustrating. It took a while for me to move past the emotion of the moment. Then I found myself looking at it and realizing that someone else needed the surgery more than me. I prayed for that person who underwent surgery on Thursday morning. I know that the Lord had things well in hand and I found myself praising His name. 

So this week, I will be with the LWML ladies (and a few men) and will have a clear head, no pain medicine or surgery recovery. Yep, the Lord knows what He is doing. I need to trust the Lord. I am reminded that the Lord has things safely in hand and I trust Him. That is the message that I would leave you with today. As you go through your week, make your plans, do the things that you plan but do it with the confident faith that says, "Lord willing, I will do this." 

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