Thursday, January 7, 2021

Giving some thought to what has happened

 Watching the news reports, I was saddened. Why? Because I don't agree with rioting, no matter which side of the political spectrum you find yourself on. Yesterday, I watched as there were peaceful protests in Washington D.C. That is something that can take place at any time. But then it began to change. There were those in the crowd who attacked and invaded the U.S. Capital. There was violence. There was shootings. There was killings. There was destruction. And I was disgusted. I don't care that it was the red side that was responding. It was wrong. 

But then again, I was also disgusted to hear the blue side stating how terrible it was for there to be rioting to be taking place. For months, there was riots, and they never spoke against the violence. Don't be hypocritical at this point and say how bad it is to riot, after spending months turning a blind eye. 

And I don't support the riots or those who speak in support of the riots yesterday. If you were opposed to violent riots over the summer, then speak in favor of them right now, then you are just as hypocritical. It is wrong.

All violent rioting is wrong. I don't care what you support or what your message is. If you want to peacefully protest, that is one thing. When it becomes violent, it is wrong. As people in America, you have the right to express your opinion. If fact, you should express your opinion. But you cannot, and do not, have the right to violently act - to hurt someone, to destroy something - all in the name of trying to get your point across. I know that it has been said, "Well, they just got to the point that they couldn't take it anymore." That doesn't make it right. It is still wrong. Someone might say, "Yesterday was the people reacting to their voice not being heard." That was the excuse used last spring and summer. It was wrong then. It is wrong now. That is reality. 

Sinful hearts will show themselves at times like this. We begin to see that no matter who you are, sin still is part of your nature, and if you do not allow the Holy Spirit to lead your heart, thoughts and nature, you will act sinfully. You will not do what is right. You might think you are right, but to act like a mob, is not right. It is wrong. Wrong on both sides, at the different times. 

I condemn all violent protests. I condemn the destruction of property. I speak against such actions. As a nation, we need to come together, supporting truth, supporting peace, supporting that which is right. We need to set aside our own personal desires. We need to do that which is right. Period. Plain. Simple. All sides need to come together. 

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