Tuesday, January 18, 2022

A morning ramble on what is taking place

 What is up with crime? As I watch the news, I see that crime is really going crazy. I am a railfan. That means I like to watch trains. I will have open on my computer a live cam from Fort Madison, IA, which shows downtown Fort Madison, at the train station, where trains go by regularly. I enjoy it. I will stop and watch a train go by when out driving about. My family has gotten used to it after all these years. Anyway, I am rambling. I look at the news and see that folks in LA are ransacking the containers and trailers on Union Pacific trains, when they stop on a siding. The tracks are littered with boxes and stuff that have been thrown out, stuff that doesn't seem to be valuable for resale, things that folks have ordered but will never receive. Some may say that the criminals doing this deserve to be able to go through things so that they can have something to sell. That is bunk. It is people just being criminals, stealing, because they can and they can get away with it. SMH.

Then a nurse is attacked by a man on a train platform while she was waiting on the train, struck in the head, and then she died. She died while waiting for a train. Or the homeless man who throws a woman in front of an oncoming subway train and she was killed. Then the young lady working in a furniture store who was stabbed to death while she was working, and the killer, walks away from the building like he was taking a stroll in the park while walking his dog. 

What is up? Crime is up. People are being killed. Places are being robbed. And it just continues to escalate. I know that we can get into the discussion about the mentally ill and as a society, we have failed those who are mentally ill by putting them on the streets because we don't want to pay for the places where they can get help. People on both parties have done this. But that doesn't mean it is acceptable for these people to do acts of crimes. 

There is so much that can be done. We need to help the mentally ill. We need to stand on the laws of the country rather than turning a blind eye to the crimes. There is much more that can be said.

In the end, the fact is, as we have walked away from the Lord, from His Word, from the morality that He has given to us, and because of that, we have made it possible to act in a lawless fashion because as humans, we decide what is right and wrong. If I want what you have, I feel entitled to take it, because I do not follow the way that the Lord has set forward. The 7th commandment does not apply to me. Neither does the 5th commandmand apply to me, so I can take your life and not feel guilty about it. All of this comes down to this - when you turn away from the Lord, you set your own morality. As a nation, we are seeing the results of such action. Crime will continue. Pain will happen. Sin will continue to expand. All because we do not follow the Lord.

Only when we return to the Lord, as a people, as a nation, as communities, will that change. Confessing our sins, we need to return to the way of the Lord. 

Rambling over. 

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