Friday, March 18, 2022

Not so serious ramblings

 What in the world is this? I got up to let the dogs out this morning, they like to go out after being in all night. Imagine that. It was 4:45 a.m. Don't judge me. I normally get up at 5 and it was Friday, no alarm was set. That made it a good Friday to sleep in. So why was I getting up at 4:45 a.m.? Because Wrigley, the chocolate lab, was at the side of the bed asking to go outside. I would have told her to wait till the alarm went off, fifteen minutes later, but it was Friday. So I got up. She is the easy one. Zeb, the golden, is a little more difficult. He likes to get his ears scratched when he gets up, so he will sit up, push his head against me, and I have to rub his ears. It takes several minutes for this to take place. He won't lumber down the stairs until he feels like he has had enought scratches. 

So we finally got downstairs. Put my coat on to let them out and BAM! What is this? Snow? I thought it was supposed to rain. OK, in all fairness, they were talking about possible snow with the rain because is was going to be a little colder than they originally thought, but you know, I doubted them. But there it was. The ground was white. Snow flakes size of small hamsters were falling from the sky. It was a wet, slushy snow. And I wasn't really ready to face it. Ugh.

That is how Friday began. And now, looking out, a wintry mix is coming down. I gave the dogs a bit of walk today, hat, gloves and all. Sloppy, messy, and they loved it. It is amazing what we will do for our dogs. They give me such joy. I willingly walk in the snow and rain, just because they are special to me. I give thanks for them.

So what is my point today? I don't have one. These are the ramblings of my mind. And that is how I am rambling. I hope you enjoy this Friday. I know I will. What will we do today? Not sure we will do much. The trip to Mission Central was called off because of folks not wanting to drive in this nasty weather. So we will go another time. We will continue to support the mission of reaching out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, even if we did not go to Mission Central. 

Enjoy your day!

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