Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Thinking about Tuesday

Today is Tuesday. Not just any Tuesday. This is Tueday of Holy Week. What does that mean? For most of us, it probably means another day of work, school or retirement. It is just another Tuesday, in another week, in just another month in this year of 2022. 

Being Tuesday in Holy Week, there are generally no special services, no "great" events (such as the institution of the Sacrament of the Altar, betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion, death) in the life of Jesus. So it is just another Tuesday which shall pass by as we look towards the end of the week.

Yet, we must realize that on that Tuesday during the Passover week, Jesus was in Jerusalem. During the day, the Sadducees and Pharisees were trying to find some way to discredit Jesus, to cause people to doubt that He was a special Teacher, or to find some way to get Him arrested so they could get Him out of their way. So why is this important? Because Jesus continued to show Himself to be One who knows the Word, and was able to answer any questions without failing, without bringing out a false teaching and without giving them a reason to arrest Him. 

He is sinless. He does nothing wrong. Which is important when it comes to His sacrifice on the cross. If Jesus told a lie, if Jesus gave a false teaching, if Jesus did not faithfully and perfectly follow the will and the word of the Father, He would not have been the sinless sacrifice. He is the perfect, sinless, Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

This Tuesday of Holy Week is important. It might be overlooked by most of us, but it is important for us to understand that it has an impact upon what will take place on Thursday and Friday of this week. Thanks be to God that He sent His sinless Son into this world, incarnate as a man, to take the sins of world (your sins and my sins), pays the price of the Law, suffers and dies for the salvation of all people. Each day this week, we look forward to Sunday - the resurrection! That is a grand and glorious day. I can't wait.

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