Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thoughts on a windy day

 It is a windy day today. They are saying that we could have some major wind gusts. I heard on the news this morning that Omaha already had a 58 mph gust this morning. That is some mighty strong wind. Do you ever wonder how wind forms? Put simply, watch the weather people or google it. I know it has to do with isobars, high and low pressure systems, and so on. As the isobars get tighter, there is more wind. 

I thought about what Jesus told Nicodemus: The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8 ESV) What is Jesus talking about? He is talking about the work of the Holy Spirit. He works in the hearts and lives of people, each and every day. He brings people to faith in Jesus Christ (conversion) and He continues to help people to remain in faith daily (regneration). He helps each one of us to continue to live in faith in Jesus. He keeps you and me in faith.

This is the work of the Spirit. If you want to get a feel for the work of the Holy Spirit, I would encourage you to read what Martin Luther wrote on the 3rd Article of the Apostles' Creed. He did a good job explaing the work of the Spirit. "I believe I cannot by my own reason or strength, believe in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to Him. But the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, strengthen me with His gifts..." Yes, it is the work of the Spirit to bring us to faith and to keep us in the faith.

He does this through the Means of Grace - Word and Sacraments. Through the Word and Baptism He brings us to faith. Through Word, Baptism and Lord's Supper, He strengthens our faith.

All of this ran through my thoughts as I listened to the wind blow. Thanks be to God that we have the Holy Spirit working in our lives each and every day. As you listen to the wind, I encourage you to think about how the Spirit works in your life. And give thanks to Him for all He does in your life.

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