Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A follow up on snow. Thoughts on cold.

 Yesterday I wrote on that controversial issue - snow. I have been amazed that there has been no push back against it. (I am being tongue in cheek.) Today, I am going to talk about the cold. Yes, the cold weather. As much as I like snow, I don't like the cold. As Penny says each year, "You complain more about the cold than you ever have." And yes, it is worse each year. 

I didn't use to dislike the cold. When I was younger, the cold didn't really bother me. Like most kids, I would go outside and play all winter long. My brothers and I would get together with other kids of the neighborhood and play in the cold. When there was snow, we would spend hours playing, building forts and igloos (we piled snow up and dug out the inside to make the igloo or a tunnel), and snowball fights. We would go sledding all afternoon. When we came in, we were soaked to the bone, cold as could be and really didn't pay attention to it. I can remember that we tried to keep our feet dry by putting our stocking feet in plastic bags (often bread bags), and then sliding them into our boots. That would make it possible to stay out longer.

But all that has changed. I was all right for a while. I would wear short sleeve shirts and sweater vests, and would be all right. It wasn't an issue. I was warm. Then, little by little, the cold started to feel colder. What used to be fine, began to feel colder. How could 40s begin to feel like the 30s? How could the 30s begin to feel like the 20s? And what about that wind chill? When did that start? I find myself saying, "It wouldn't be so bad out if it wasn't for the wind." I don't remember the wind chill being an issue years ago. But it is now. The wind. Brrrrr! I don't like it.

What changed? I did. I grew older. I don't like to admit that. And for those who have been around the sun a few more years than me, probably look at me and think, "You aren't that old." But those of you who are in your 20s or 30s look at me and say, "Well, yes, you do have a few years on yourself now." The more trips around the sun, and the colder winter feels. 

If I could have snow in the 40s, I would be happy. I would be happier if you could have snow in the 50s. But that isn't possible. Hasn't happened and won't happen. So I guess I must learn this lesson, if you want one thing, you have to take that which goes along with it. If I like snow, I have to accept the cold that comes with it.

Makes me think about our prayer life. When we pray for something, we have to accept that which comes with the answer. If I pray that my knees would quit hurting, I have to accept that I might have to go through a difficult time when they get replaced. If I pray that the Lord would send rain to water the earth, which we need because of how dry it is, then I also have to accept the gray days and the muddy conditions. If I pray that the Lord would help me lose weight, I need to accept that I need to eat less and exercise more. Oten we expect God to do something for us, and then get upset with Him when getting to that point we must become involved in our lives. 

Pray for that which is in your heart. But accept that which comes with what you are praying for - that God can do miracles in your life, and that sometimes those miracles lead you to changes in your life. That is a challenge. I often think, "Do this for me God." And He responds, "Here is how you will get what you are asking for, you need to do this." I need to accept that. And that is quite the challenge for me in my life.

Cold? No I don't like it. Snow? I want it. So I need to accept the cold to get the snow. Lord, teach me.

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