Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Christmas Eve's Eve

 Merry Christmas! Well, actually it is Merry Christmas Eve's Eve. Today is two days before Christmas. This week has been rather nice, sunny, some wind and warm. We were in the 50s yesterday. Actually, when I got up this morning, it was 54 degrees. December 23rd and it was 54 degrees at 6 a.m. The wind is blowing and we are told that the temps are going to dropping all day. Won't be a white Christmas for us here in Clarinda, IA. I know that north of here there is a good chance of a white Christmas. 

Christmas time, is here. What does that mean for you? I know what it means for me. First and foremost it means that God the Father sent His Son to become a man. This is know as the incarnation - God becoming man. God becomes man. He comes to us. He did not expect us to come to Him. He knew we could not come to Him. Our sinfulness makes it impossible for us to go to Him. As much as we try, we cannot live the life that the Law demands. So He promised Adam and Eve that He would send a Savior. He gave that same promise to Abraham who passed it on to Isaac and then Jacob. The line of the Savior can be traced all the way down to both Mary and Joseph. The Son of God, becoming human, for us and for our salvation. What a glorious event we celebrate on Christmas Day. God became man in order to save mankind, to save you and me. Thank You God! I can see why the angels sang, why the shepherds hurried off to find the child and why the magi traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles to find the one born King of the Jews. 

It also means the opportunity to worship the Lord. Christmas time, is here! Hark! the Herald Angels Sing! Joy to the World! O Little Town of Bethlehem! Those hymns are glorious to sing. Don't you enjoy singing them? I sure do. I know that all of you will not be able to join us in worship. The health situation makes it difficult for some to come worship. Some will need to stay home for their safety. I pray for you. I ask that your heart will be filled with joy even if you are not able to go to worship. For those of you who will be able to make worship, sing out. Praise the Lord! Join in singing those wonderful songs.

Silent Night, Holy Night, all is calm, all is bright...that is perhaps the one song that really encompasses Christmas. I enjoy standing with a lit candle, singing a verse in German and then singing the whole thing in English. For those of you who are from other nationalities, sing Silent Night in your language. Enjoy it. 

We wish you a merry Christmas. Penny and I wish you a very blessed and merry Christmas and a happy New Year. May the Lord bless you as you celebrate the birth of your Savior.

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