Monday, March 16, 2020

A reflection on the day

All this talk about the corona virus, the closing of schools, the closing of places to eat and drink in some states, the stock market having a wild ride, the fear of the unknown and so on, gets to be a little too much for me. If I would let it, anxiety would set in. Thankfully, the Lord fills my heart with His loving presence, giving to me the wonder of what it means to be His child, that He calls me by name day after day, He watches over me and will keep me, no matter what takes place with this physical life. So there is no room for anxiety or fear. It is overflowing with His love and mercy.

I was thinking about this day a year ago. Penny and I packed up everything that we owned and moved to Clarinda, IA. This brought about a lot of changes for us.

I think about those we have left behind. Our daughter Rachael and Brandon, along with Mya and Gabe. They had been a huge part of our life in Troy. They could stop by at any time, and often did. We would come home for lunch and Mya and Gabe would be there. Put them with Zeb and Wrigley and there was a lot of love greeting us at the door. We could have them over for dinner at anytime. It was so much fun having them close. When we moved, we left them behind. A whole 6 hours away instead of 20 minutes. We worshiped together, went out to eat regularly, played hearts, Uno and dominos regularly, tasted the wonder of new wines or whiskeys and enjoyed the closeness of life.

We left behind Shirley, Penny's mom. We had her a block away. We could check on her. We would see her drive by in her old grey car, knowing that she was all right. Watching as she waved with that bad arm that didn't lift up high enough. Inviting her to go out to eat (and paying for her meals which was a treat for me), having her over for supper when we grilled or Penny fixed something that we knew she would like. Worshiping together. Giving her communion (same as with Rach & Brandon) was a special treat. Now, not so close.

Folks that we came to know and love. There were people at Troy that we dearly loved. We were close to many. They shared their lives and their love with us. You can't spend 10 years with a congregation without drawing close to some. Yes, there were others that caused angst and frustration. But there were many more that brought us joy. If I started to name folks, where would I stop?

Then there are many from other congregations within an hour of Troy. I had served over 30 years in the area. We had many people, from Harvel, Ferrin and Altamont that we were close to as well. Ron and Lynn Michael and Sarah - family we will miss. Rick and Jodi Nielsen. The Schmedeke  and Fesser families and their extended family. Sharon, I mean Judy, Voelker, the Stuemke clan who were fellow Cub fans and so many more people from the congregations. Then there was Guideon Richeson, the funeral director in Troy, who was a very special friend of Penny and I. So many people we were close to. All left in Illinois. 6 hours away. Not far, but farther than we had been in over 30 years. We were always within an hour of these folks.

So here we are in Clarinda, IA. Are we sad to be here. Not by a long shot. We have fallen in love with this community and church. We were both ready. The Lord brought us here. It was just what we needed. Getting to know new people, new saints of God, new people who will become our friends. There will be those that will become part of our family, just as folks had over the 30+ years. A congregation that wanted my and Penny, that wanted what we had to offer, that rejoiced that we were with them. Being able to be in ministry together again. We longed for that and the Lord gave it to us. What a blessing it has been for us.

A new house, which we can do what we want with! No fear if the dogs spill food or if we put a nail in the wall. No one telling us what we can or cannot do in our house. It is amazing to say, "this is our house." Penny and I marvel at that regularly. Walking in town. Seeing folks at the store. Knowing that we are slowly becoming a part of this community. Seeing the importance of ministering to souls here in this small town. Loving every minute of it. Having neighbors. For me, that is great. Black squirrels. Red squirrels. Blue jays. Eagles. How amazing it is.

A new congregation - with which we are going through this difficult time of the virus pandemic. We are learning and growing together. I am able to share God's love with them. They are able to love us back. Yes, it has been good for Penny and me to be here in Clarinda.

We thank the Lord for these blessings. We rejoice at the memories that we have, the extended family that is part of us. And we are glad. It has been a year. A good year. A really good year. And we look forward to the wonder of what God is going to do as we are here in this town.

A year. Wow. Thank You Lord.


  1. It is great to have you both here with us. Carol

  2. It's been a joy worshiping with you, so glad to have you and Penny in our community.
