Monday, March 30, 2020

Did you know that Lazarus was not the 1st one to come out of the tomb? Jesus said, "Lazarus, come fourth!" LOL! I slay me. OK, so Jesus actually said, "Lazarus, come forth!" But if you know me, I find great pleasure in those kinds of silly jokes. 

Did you know that they could not play cards on the ark? It is because the elephants stood on the deck! Oh, yeah! I just cause myself to laugh. As Penny would say, "Good thing you make yourself laugh. Someone has to." Yes, she loves and supports me. She gets to roll her eyes often. 

A little humor to start your day (I know, very little humor). We need humor right now because there is so much that causes us concern, perhaps even fear. Every time we hear of someone with the virus, our hearts jump. When a case if found in our county, we get concerned. It isn't something to celebrate, having a case in your county. Instead, when you hear that word, stop, and say a prayer for that person, for those who must care for the person, for the person's family and for the community. Pray that the Lord will bring strength, protection and, yes, healing. 

I pray that you are doing well. What is going on in the Schuessler household? Well, there is a lot happening. Penny is working hard to try to keep Noah's Ark open for those who still need care for their children. This is the time when we see the importance of offering daycare to the community. This is not preschool, that was closed when the school closed. This is the part of Noah's Ark that is daycare. There are families who need care so they can continue to work. Penny is trying to offer that. She does webinars about 2-3 times a week, to stay caught up on the things she needs to know to offer this service to the community. There are new rules in place to protect the children and the workers. Penny and I both want to do what we can for both the families and for the workers. With so many people being out of work, Penny is doing what she can to ensure that these workers continue to have a paycheck, without financially hurting the church. So she is at church every day to make sure that things are working well.

At home, she is baking, cooking and making my life good. I fear that I am going to have to go on a diet when this is all over. She is such a good cook. And I love to eat. What a great combination. We are also working on puzzles. We had stopped about 3 puzzles ago, as the regular puzzle time was over. Then this all happened and we started working on them again.

This is the first of the new puzzles that we did. Challenging? Yes. But it is relaxing to do these puzzles. When you are finished, it is amazing what the picture looks like.

As I think about those puzzles, I think about life. When we put the pieces on the table, it looks overwhelming. There is no rhyme or reason to how the pieces are on the table. It looks like this.

It makes no sense. That is life. When we look at life, it makes no sense. Oh, we try to sort it out. We try to figure it out. But in times like this, we start to think that there is no sense at all. We don't see how it can work out. Yet, the Lord knows. He sees the whole picture, not just the jumble of pieces. And yet, at the same time, if you look at that picture of all the pieces, and think of each piece being a different person, the Lord knows each piece/person, calls them by name and knows exactly where they fit into the picture. That amazes me. To think that with all those pieces, He knows exactly where it goes. I have to search, look, try, and grumble when it doesn't work. The Lord is in control.

That is comforting to me. In the middle of this chaos, the Lord is still in control. It is not chaos to Him. I think about how He has stepped down in the chaos, became a human, and then took the fullness of that sinful chaos, suffered for our sinfulness, and died. He then rose again from the dead! He rose! He took this chaos and put it all back together in the proper way. Wow! The Lord has truly loved each of us. Thank You Lord.

So, anyway, that is my ramblings for today. Where was I going? I didn't know. But this is where we arrived. It is puzzling to me (humor!) how it will work out. But it isn't to the Lord. I pray for you. Ask the Lord to watch over you. And I know this one thing: He does! Alleluia!

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