Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just another day

Today was just like every other day - just another day. But then again, it wasn't. Think about this one: You have never lived this day before. While it might seem like every other day, it isn't. It is different. Yesterday - you lived already. This is today. The alarm goes off at the same time, but it is a new day. It isn't a day that you have lived before. That means, while you must get up and go about your morning routine, you need to go to work or school, you need to clean the hosue, you have never done those activities on this day. Yes, you did it yesterday. But that was then, this is now. Today is a gift to you from God. He has opened His hand and given you another day to live, to rejoice, to breath, the face trials and tribulations and to - ready for this? - to live in His grace and mercy. Today is another day of tasting His love in your life.

But what happens if the day goes down the tubes? Where is God when the car dies and you are late to work? Where is God when the basement floods because of the 5 inches of rain and the power outage causing the sump pump not to work? Where is God when your best friend is suffering from luekemia and the points that should be going down suddenly doubles? Where is His grace? Where is His mercy? Why would I want to live this day?

My friend, what you and I must remember is that our lot in life is not good because of the little thing we call sin. We forget that we are sinners. We live good lives. So God should treat us good. But we live in a fallen world. We live in fallen bodies. We live apart from God. When those things happen - it isn't that God has forsaken us, it is because that is the way the world and life is. Those things will happen. And worse things will happen. And in the end, we will all die. It will be all over. From the cradle we are rushing to the grave. That is our lot in life.

Except for His grace and mercy. He steps into this world (called the incarnation) and does something that none of us could do - He gives us hope. That hope is found in Jesus Christ. It is found in God made man. It is not something we give ourselves but it given to us by God - out of His grace and mercy. His goodness is given - even when we don't deserve it. His mercy is shown even when we are rotten in our sins. And we shouldn't kid ourselves - we don't deserve that love. He gives us it to us. Free of charge. Out of love. Out of His heart.

And it is because of that love that we can open our eyes each day when the alarm goes off or the parent wakes us up. We open our eyes. And at that moment, we can say, "I have never lived this day before. Thank you God."

What will it bring? Which one of us knows? All I can tell you is that you can trust in Him, His love, and know that He will never forget about you. Live today. He has given it to you.

So with that thought, today is not just another day. It is a special day.

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